New hpally looks gross/bad

Adapt or die is dramatic when referring to video game changes. There’s a third very real option that Blizzard is desperately trying to avoid. Players who are choosing to walk away.


We’ll see what people are saying on the beta. That should be enough of a test.

Doing something before still means change. Just changing back! :slight_smile:

idk about you but i had a ton to press already outside of glimmer spec.

but its ok because now when its clutch, we get to click a big heal, and nothing will happen because “but you dont have enough holy combo points lol”

we have holy power now!?!


history has shown us that by beta its locked in. have to be vocal now if you want to see change.

I understand what you’re saying, and there is truth to it. I actually personally think that actual feedback of the type people are trying to give has no effect.

They know what we’re thinking, and they think we’re wrong. They think it is good for the game for players to sacrifice power, utility, and fun. This is a game. If you’re playing it for fun, you’re playing it for the wrong reasons.

I’ll make my decision whether to buy the expansion based on what actual players see in the beta. I have no delusions that things will be much different. My own spec is probably going to be trash next expansion. Despite the fact that in the absence of azerite traits, essences, and corruption, guardian will be the worst tank in the game, they are also nerfing it. And nerfing feral, too.

People keep pointing at developer responses to questions about what is happening with the class and wanting more give and take for their own class. But make no mistake. Communication has all been one way.

Always loved holy power on them back in cata/mop. I just wish they would scrap the current god awful mastery they have.

Also I’d kill for guardian of ancient kings back. That cooldown was so awesome.

Blizzards current business model is to remove content and give it back later classified as “New content” we have been on this roller coaster for a few expansions now.

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Hence the removal, I don’t really understand the return of some abilities when they don’t make sense.

I don’t know if this was change or not but the reason why Swiftmend stopped removing HoTs when it was used was because mastery was not working with that and now we have it again…

Yeah doesn’t make sense.

But yet we don’t know how many are for or against this HPal change. I’m for it because I liked it. Some are against it, and others are for it. There’s no way of knowing if a class change will be good or not unless it’s consistently complained about during Alpha testing.

My hope was maelstrom removed, eclipse changed back into a cycle, and holy power removed.

2 out of 3 so far, but would love to see HP gone.

Blizzard can easily have its cake and eat it too. If they want to bring back Holy Power, all they have to do is also add a talent that removes the Holy Power resource and turns any spenders into cooldowns. It’s a win/win. Those who like Holy Power game play can have it and those who don’t like it don’t have to deal with it.

That just adds an extra layer of skill planning for damage imo.i would much rather that than “if you don’t press holy shock as it comes off CD you are doing something wrong” I like to think about my spells more than that but that’s OK we don’t have to agree.

that is a glimmer issue, and it should just be removed with azerite or limited to 2 active. spec worked fine before the glimmer build, it doesnt need holy combo points to fix glimmer.

I personally really like Holy Power coming back and I think Paladins look fantastic going into Shadowlands. I’ll be going back to maining mine.

Before Glimmer came about Holy Paladin was by far the most boring healer to play with nothing exciting going on about it, so no I don’t think BFA Holy Paladin is in a good place design-wise. Even with Glimmer which is indeed fun to play I don’t think it’s great design to have so much of the power put into a single spell (Holy Shock). **All of this is my opinion, clearly…

With HP coming back there’s finally something exciting to press for Holy Paladins and in general it makes for a more dynamic gameplay. I also really like it for Prot: It adds more purpose to Crusader Strike / Hammer of the Righteous that otherwise are just plain fillers that do nothing other than damage; it gives better control over mitigation or healing, which can also be used to heal group members very effectively giving us more utility as a support type of tank.

Pretty much all the feedback I’ve seen from Alpha seems to also say that HP is working well and feeling good for both Holy and Prot.

Cds without multiple charges I don’t really enjoy. I just becomes plate spinning trying to keep them all on CD. Optimal play is to keep them on CD most of the time. Holy power has more room to pool resources which I enjoy. I can see why others don’t but I really like it.

Stuff like this makes me glad I main a Resto Druid. They usually stay pretty much the same from xpac to xpac.


yeah glimmer was dumb.

moving on, i was never bored playing holy. getting a second holy shock that costs combo points or having a spell i used to have on cooldown NOW cost combo points is not exactly going to make the spec riveting for you.

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It adds an extra gameplay loop and something to manage and build towards for a spec that had almost no interactions between spells, it has infusion of light and that’s about it. Gameplay wise it was a lot of spamming Holy Light and Flash of Light which felt very lackluster while praying for Holy Shock to crit.

Do people not remember how terrible it was?, there were multiple complains in the Paladin forums about how plain and slow the spec felt, people were jumping ship, I understand maybe it was never boring for you but it was for a lot of players.

As broken as it is, Glimmer it came to “save” an otherwise terribly boring spec for me and many others, it at least added synergy between spells and something to manage/optimize while also providing a much faster pace. It is a bit broken mechanically as I explained before but it’s at least fun to play.

Not sure if Holy Power by itself is going to change everything but it does add excitement and spell interaction and some agency to manage when to use your heals (due to stacking to 5 while spenders only costing 3). So I think it’s a step in the right direction, it’s also a decent system to build upon, or if nothing else the basic spec is going to be at least a bit better than the BFA one.

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More like just re-roll to the fotm class since it is now even easier to level in Shadowlands.

Pretty much how I feel about the Enrage changes, even though they’re quite minor the huge Haste buff was what makes Fury Warrior the fun smash my keyboard style of gameplay.

Willing to bet 5M that there will be a legendary for Warrior that “Gives Enrage 10% more Haste and lasts for 1 second longer”

Any takers?

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