New hpally looks gross/bad

Uppruning in general is such a dumb thing if it’s done without purpose. I believe when complainers where asking for more buttons, they wanted more meainginful things to press. Instead, alpha looks like we’re getting meaningless abilities.

people were leaving in early bfa because monk, hpriest, and druid were just flat out better.

edit: and people keep saying “something to build to” its combo points, its not a arduous or skillful process. more than likly you will use a big fat heal just to avoid capping, for massive over heals because “compelling gameplay”

Personally I am kinda excited to try this new system out. Though I will admit that I love the current glimmer of light playstyle. Being a melee healer dealing damage while doing massive healing. I like that with this new build crusader strike will now both give holy power and reduce the cooldown of holy shock giving me more glimmers and more holy power. Seems like it will have a fun flow to it.

I will admit that I don’t remember the time of healing with holy power before. Though I think the addition of glimmer since then the whole thing will feel much better.

Healing throughput was a bit behind the norm but the spec still had all the utility and damage reduction so it wasn’t that weak either. For M+ Holy Paladin was better than Holy Priest and Shaman. For Mythic Raiding it was still better than those two and more or less on par with Druids, Monks were a bit ahead and only Disc was significantly stronger than everything else. So not terrible, more like middle of the pack…

People were leaving because of gameplay, seriously, there were massive complains about it in the Paladin forums.

The same thing happens with any spell with a CD, in this case you at least have the flexibility to use it at 3 or hold it a bit longer while still building HP. Yes you will overheal sometimes but less than you do with spells that have a flat CD, plus you get the choice of using it for single target or AOE.

HP is a bit like combo points, I agree, a better version imo because of the ability to pool it up to 5 while spenders only costing up to 3. Yes it’s not a particularly skillful mechanic, it’s pretty basic, but it’s still more than what BFA Holy Paladin has going for them (the “classic” build at least).

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I haven’t really had a chance to look over the changes yet myself, but if with the return of holy power we are getting the previous interaction with Holy Shock back as well… then the change might not be all bad… holy power fueled holy shock was a great clutch heal… though that design also discouraged frequently using holy shock as it was generally best to wait for 3 holy power…

first raid tier monks and hpriests were way ahead of hpally, with priest soaking several nerfs into the second raid tier to bring it to par, and monks also needing the nerf bat just for pally to be close. then, you have druid which was obviously better than pally in m+ for what the whole xpac but also solidly at least par with pally in raid without the mana issues.

you use bubble on cooldown? what about blessing of sacrifice? i could go on, but that right there is not true.

this whole thread is about not changing from the classic build. because people like it and it works.

Any “rotational” spell I mean, like Holy Shock.

Anyway, we could sit here and debate for days, but this is getting no-where… Let’s just agree to disagree, it’s ultimately a subjective thing: Your opinion is that Holy Paladin looks “gross” going into shadowland, mine is that it’s looking fantastic, both are totally valid and both of us are in our right to express it.


lets sum up some of these changes

Mana costs increased ACROSS THE BOARD

holy shock healing nerfed 33%.

gain: single target heal that uses HP.

remember how bad pallies were in uldir, its going to be like that without essences OR azerite. the spec without any AOE and mana issues is having its mana cost increased and its signature fat cheap heal nerfed. YAY holy combo points.

so now, holy shock is going to feel bad, because an impotent glimmer will be left in as a talent and we need to build a large heal…

its just as stupid as it sounds. holy shock is now just a cheaper, instant flash of light that might have a nerfed glimmer effect.

tl;dr: you now get to go ooom using nerfed over costed spells to build a spell that heals for what holy shock used to. truly riveting game play and design.

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The mana cost increase is going on for EVERY healer, not a Holy Paladin specific thing. As such it’s not likely a nerf and more like adjusting some scaling. Mana is going to be fine like it always has been in recent history for every healer (when played correctly).

Yeah Holy Shock is going to heal for less which is more than made-up for with the Holy Power spenders, it’s still a good spell, it still gives infusion of light and it now grants Holy Power, it will most certainly feel good to press. Oh and WoG heals for significantly more than BFA’s HolyShock (50% more to be precise). Shifting a bit of the “power” to something else is good (WoG in this case), unlike BFA where Holy Shock is the only good heal that Holy Paladin has.

Glimmer is indeed nerfed, which is fair, it was extremely overpowered. As it stands in Alpha Holy Paladin is looking like a very strong spec, maybe not BFA Glimmer levels of broken, but very good and competitive. I do think Light of Dawn looks a bit weak with the current numbers, but that’s just a tunning thing likely to get addressed later, it’s still Alpha where specific numbers are far from final, the kit overall looks solid.

Didn’t you say the spec works and it’s good so didn’t need the changes? With no changes and removing azerite and essences it would be exactly like in Uldir.

As a Holy Pally since BC, it looks fine to me. Crusader Strike having a Mana cost is because it provides holy power now.

Looks like we’ll play basically the same but with holy power being a “burst” healing action on top.

Why do you care as a Monk anyways?

Flash and Holy Light both generate holy power when cast on a target with Beacon on them.

In addition, Crusader Strike, Judgement and Holy Avenger generate holy power.

You spend holy Power either on Word of Glory(single target burst) or Light of Dawn.

It actually looks and sounds great to me. Can’t wait to try it out.

under tuned is different than broken.

my main is a hpally. was just leveling this as a farmer/ emergency alt.