New hpally looks gross/bad

You are purely stating a personal opinion. Some people like the change, some people don’t. Just like I hate BFA HPal, and some people like it. It’s all personal preference and there’s no one right answer.

well arent you a shining one… of course I did.

never claimed my opinions should be the way.

If I play a healer in SL its gonna be resto druid or shaman. Druid in particular looks like they’re gonna be gods.

Can’t speak for holy, but I’m not excited about it for prot. Heck, I don’t really care for HP on the rare occasion I play as DPS. I’d rather be juggling judgement/seals if they just want to add complications.

Conspiracy theory time, I think Blizzard thinks there are too many paladins and not enough other classes, so they are intentionally going to make all three specs less fun to play, in hopes of fixing that.

That’s preposter… Well… I guess I couldn’t rule it out

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Honestly I wish Holy Power (and Insanity for Shadow Priests), was able to be removed with a talent choice and the abilities associated with them turned into cooldowns instead. At least then I can reliably use them and not deal with mechanics I just don’t enjoy.

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Hey, it could be worse - you could be a Shadow Priest.

We were broken (as in nonfunctioning) most of BFA Alpha/Beta, 8.0 and barely functioning in 8.1. We were given our promised fixes in 8.2… only to be broken again in 8.3.

And we’re not receiving ANY worthwhile changes in SL.

Holy power is why I’m not going to go back to my Paladin next expac.

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I feel none of the specs needs combo points lite, and dismayed when I heard prot pallies are getting them again…

When does destro get it’s burning embers and their effect back?

this was degenerate gameplay they left in because of the crazy they created with essences and later corruption. and, it probs wont be better.

so sad and so true.

oh look another spec that actually needed an overhaul

blizzard. please stop this crazy. im so disappointed right now.

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Why would it not be better? There are way mote buttons to press in SL.

More buttons to press =/= good gameplay
unholy DK has plenty of buttons to press, and it is not an enjoyable spec to play.
good gameplay = good gameplay.

As it stands, Hpal and Prot Pal running on holy power was clunky, and didn’t feel good at all to play. Heck, it was the same issue Rogue used to have when combo points were on targets rather than kept by the player. Some forms of gameplay just do not work and holy power on healers/tanks is one of them.


I agree not necesserslly.

I actually really like unholy atm. Played it a bit last patch.

I agree. I think having lots of tools to choose between is good gameplay for healers. Makes me think more instead of just pressing holy shock and hoping not to get rsi
From what I have watched on the alpha it looks far better Imo that in bfa

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i liked holy power for hpal in cataclysm. i’m ok with it personally. I’ll miss maelstrom for elemental shaman etc., opinions and junk

I can’t agree about unholy DK. The opener alone is over 10 seconds, and it gets even worse in SL where it jumps to 15s. You need a high amount of haste otherwise, you suffer significant periods of dead globals standing there and AAing.
IMO, it should have been turned into a ranged spec

I somehow was able to get into a Heroic raiding guild in 8.0 on my Spriest, and man was that rough. We were the laughing stock of that entire patch, besides on Zul, and it stems from issues that were clearly outlined in Alpha and Beta that were never addressed. Hopefully they get some love.

Unholy DK is trash. Cool theme but too much setup imo.

How does HPall look gross? its the same thing it is now.