New horde race - Gremlins

We need to add the newest horde legendary race - the Gremlin

But I’m already Alliance.

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Whats the difference between a gremlin and a goblin?


You can pour water on a goblin?


Sure, why not.

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I had a great idea for a new companion pet, called a Mog’why.

It would multiply when you add water, turn into a gremlin if fed after midnight, and would follow you constantly questioning your choice of transmog.


Goblins build things to explode, Gremlins dismantle things to explode, Gnomes are accident prone making things to explode, Vulpera is cuteness overload for things to explode, Mechagnomes… explode.

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rather we have more pygmies.


About 6 inches :smirk:

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Alliance can have the cute gremlins Horde gets ugly gremlins.

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Ooooh, fun!

I’m in bed by 9pm, so all good.


I’ll pass on that pet haha

[drops a fistful of gold on the counter]

One Argonian, please. In the housekeeping profession. Lustiness a preference but not required.

Best we can do is dwarves with long ears

Like this?

(super nerd joke)

The race is Mogwai and you start off as an Alliance race.

Mogwai race takes damage if standing in direct sunlight
If you touch water, you spawn more Mogwai
If you eat after midnight you turn into a Gremlin and join the Horde.

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I’m already here

alliance already has them, they’re called gnomes.

THose are called Vulpera.

gremlins are green and have scales