New horde race - Gremlins

and you can feed it after midnight. :smiley:

Speaking like someone who has experience with both. >.>

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How do you know vulpera dont? have you ever shaved one?

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I think the game has tons of gremlins already.

That’s where all the bugs come from!

Nah generally I just let the fire cook the fur off.

ewwwwwwwww to both

I’m not cute I’m vicious. The ears are for ventilation, not cuteness. They serve a purpose.

Unlike a kitty cat’s sweet little vestigial snout which is designed to be cute, and has lost the ability to actually eat anything.

That’s disgusting! That means you eat the skin.

You misspelled Murloc up there.

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so you guys want gremlins to join the horde