New heritage sets! Yay! Why do they look like trash?

Becuase they won’t have future plot plans. :face_exhaling:
We will have at least 2 expansions without any narrative revelance.
And now I’m worried sick over Amani. The abuse of this tribe needs to stop.


Seriously, we’re forever cursed to live in the shadow of the Zandalari now? We know they’ll be taking an active roll in TWW. Without any mention of Vol’Jin at all what can we really conclude? I prefer to think his story will pick back up, but when? After the World Soul Saga? We’ve got nothing to go off.

This is why I was bummed so much. Heritage questline was the only chance to catch up with the Darkspear, and it was undercooked once again.
And to be honest Zandalari are also irrelevant, and DF did massive damage to them by how their NPCs were portrayed - absolute humilation.

So While Zandalari are lore powerhouse I would say that they’re as much shafted as Darkspears in case of having no content going for them whatsoever.
But ye the main question for someone who designed this questline should be “What makes Darkspears stand out among other troll tribes?”.

They tried to answer it by saying that they’re loyal, but I don’t think that framing it the way they did was well thought. Other trolls were also loyal to each other, and I am not a fan of throwing other troll tribes under the bus.


Well we know the Zandalari are going to be featured to some capacity in the new expansion, unfortunately the Darkspear Heritage Quest gave us no indication that the Darkspear will be coming off the back burner any time soon. Was this failure to present a future for us them being honest about what’s in store? Or were they just negligent? Stay tuned for 6 years to find out!

Will they? Datamined Talanji turned out to be a placeholder for that Harronir leader.

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Oh no, did she really? That’s actually really bad news, it was the only trace of any Horde leader we had aside from Thrall. I was really hopeful we were gonna get some progress on her story, that’s not cool.

Ye, she was a placeholder for Orweyna. I was also hoping that she ming be in that Nerubian zone to search for Dark trolls, but then I thoguht - How odd, Why would she personally leave Zandalar just for that? She is a Queen, she can send people to do that for her.
Queen/King is meant to stay to govern the country not go on adventures. (This is one of the reasons why I wanted Rastakhan to survive, so Talanji would be free to go anywhere she wanted without abandoning her people in her homeland for some trivial stuff).

I was hoping we could eventually see Dark Trolls but not really. We will get furry nelves instead.

Really? That was like one of the only things I was looking forward to! Well that and the Nerubians and Inner Azeroth stuff. Wanted to see how my girl was doing. Can’t believe these Heritage Armor sets went live. (Well actually I can) they’re so obviously lack luster, what kind of company stands by such a sloppy product? Most reputable businesses fix their mistakes.

Ye, I have a proof

But I don’t know, I guess I’d rather for her to be absent than be buddy buddy with Alliance. I’m sure she would decapitate Thrall if she saw him calling for Horde ships to aid Jaina.

Or she would Pull off Zul’Jin’s speech. “And now you ally with them?! I spit on the Horde!”


They’re not great.

As they’re based on pretty old, pretty meh concepts (and I know the final Panda set is going to be similar and based on Bernie Kang’s weird concepts)


Very loosly based, that Troll set took inspiration from the lamest parts of several sets then let an intern put his own spin on it… Gonna check out Bernie Kangs stuff, thanks for the lead!


This is terrible news was looking forward to that.

Sorry to be barer of bad news, but I guess better to know sooner, to soften the blow. So far my predictions and dataminings were spot on :confused:

In theory there is a chance that Zandalari could be involved, but for what?

Might just be because they’ve got strong numbers and as an official Horde force now they’re ready for deployment. Especially after cooping themselves up for so long. Sounds like they might not be involved afterall though.

They don’t have anyone good to do the sets, or some of them. And there is no quality check at that Company. They all are clapping seals lol

It’s ok, I appreciate you crushing my hopes now, I was going to find out eventually and I prefer to hear about it this way.

Honestly I wouldn’t have guessed it before now but somehow seeing this set silp through kinda puts it in perspective

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I checked out some of Benie Kangs stuff, interesting doesn’t look like what I pictured when I thought Pandaren Heritage but I did play MoP so I’m just kinda basing off them in game I never really got into some of their concept arts before.

Hey, yous guys should really check out this post and follow the links from it Fuzzbutt is on to something about the nose under the mask, this ain’t right and all that material bunched up over the nose, there’s more to it than just the nose being covered.

Just checked out both of these not a fan of either, they must make the time to basically remake this set it’s horrendous. As for Benie Kangs art meh Pandas kinda freak me out and these ones are no different.

I thought the Draenei set looked bad too, then I got it and mogged it and I like it a lot. The helm is terrible (but then again, I never show helms), but otherwise I’ve been very pleasantly surprised by the set.