New H++ issues

Please make the slimes be able to be CCed.

Some bosses stand still and cast as they spawn so you have 0 chance of killing the slimes unless your group has amazing burst. If your group has a shadow priest, afliction lock, etc you chance of killing a slime when you cannot move the boss to buy a little more time is near 0.

These dungeons need to be tuned better, even when my group was killing the appropriate slime per the spawn we were struggling just to outheal the unavoidable damage with people using defensive abilities.

And it wasnt a weak healer, he averaged over 20khps as a resto shaman for the fights

Yes we killed it after a few wipes (mainly because the slimes spawned when we couldnt move the boss and melee couldnt go out to hit it), but the tunning is a little over the top. Make them CCable or reduce their hp a little and tone down some of the damage as some bosses that already do strong aoe damage become near impossible even if you kill the proper slime.

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turn and burn harder ?

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The groups i have done it with so far have done a good job at that. But even with killing them some of the bosses with the 2 slime buff put out absurd amounts of damage with killing the proper ones.

And at times it bugs out.

For example in HoO we killed the cobalt first spaw. Second spawn we killed cobalt again with the boss 30ish yards away from it still, and it still spawned the orb. Also had the adds spawn when we killed the slime for it, had them double spawn, etc.

The huge damage output could be the aoe damage effects going out twice as often maybe? Because we were barely staying alove with the crimson slime and radiant being the ones that hit, (killed posion so we could stack) and it still put out absurd damage as in the spirit link totem with lust with chain heal was barely keeping up with it and the healer is 385ish ilvl and well geared, not quite FL bis, but not far off of it.

Something is off with these new mechanics. And thats without going into the mana orbs going through the walls and floor.

i dont know i just know my priest can narly solo one but when i tri my old alt that this is level for needs people to help and only time wiped was when rogue gave pro on color but yet dint switch

Stop killing cobalt Mana void is ezy to manage if you kill it always kill the ones that spawn the adds, if you can kite the better but make sure your killing the add spawn versions and burning the mana void some bosses it is a lil ruffer on but after you get that down with a competent group it’s rather ezy.