New Graphics or why Purist are Crazy

Moth mobs were added with TBC, their area also is as I remember near shattrath (I can be wrong here).
Also in a 2:50 and 4:30 of a video there is clearly area from near shattrath and netherstorm.

You can’t be against something irrationally. It’s absurd.
You are against wars, cause it kills people. and dividing nations.
You are against manufacturing cause it causes almost irreversible damage to nature.
You are against violence, cause you don’t want to be target of it.
You are against milkshakes cause you are lactose intolerant.
But why are you against something that you don’t see, don’t experience or feel?
It’s like being against quasar, cause it exists somewhere there for trillions light years from you and you will never experience it nor see it nor feel its destructive power. Well at least quasar is bringing death and destruction to everything it meets and this can be frightening for you, but what toggled option do that you fear it so much. I genuinely don’t understand.

I don’t know what video you’re talking about, but Outland is NOT accessible in Classic. No TBC content is accessible in Classic…

It’s only irrational to you. I’ve explained my views and obviously you cannot understand me because you are not proficient in English. This is simple to see because you keep making the same tired points in broken English text that is difficult to understand.

Perhaps you’re irrational for wanting anyone to work on a second set of graphics with a toggle when they can’t even get the login servers working effectively. There are game breaking issues to be fixed, but we should all be concerned with how pretty a character looks. Do you even think before you type?


Why don’t you go ask the OSRS players why it’s a bad idea lol

Its perfectly valid. If you cant see the similarty you need to start using your brain. People play old games for the retro feel. No retro player will look at an old game and be like “I love this game but I cant play it with these garbage graphics”. The point of classic/retro games is nostalgia and the fact that its untouched.

The video that I answered to. To answer you said that there are not TBC areas.

Okay. I understand where are you from now. With this Ad Hominem you clearly show that you don’t have any valid arguments at all. You just here to disagree.
Sorry that I’m not pure english speaker as I’m not pure elitist as you are. Mr.Classists dictator.
Good day.

i don’t think it would be possible to have the new models in the old client without issues. I’ve played on p servers that tried to have WoD models and i always end up deleting the model files as it causes issues.

And I’m playing old games also for retro feel. But retro graphics in WOW aren’t good. I showed this by compare two types of screens from vanilla and from retails. ANd retails (by my personal view) are better almost at everything: Textures, model shapes, animations.
And AGAIN: THe thousand time I explain. I do not ask to bring this option to everybody as default, I ask to make this option as an OPTION. TO give me and people like me a CHOICE. If you don’t like new graphics you just ignore that option and play with old graphics, and if you like new graphics like me, you toggle it ON and enjoy the same game with “better” graphics.
THis is simple. YET. It’s hard to fathom for most of you for some reason.

Blizzard stated there is no old client now. Whole classic built on new engine and client of retail. They just working on bringing all details over from old game to “new”.
And you aren’t blizzard dev employee you can’t say for 100% that it’s hard or easy. Cayuse you don’t know how much time/ resources they have. THis argument is just “PREDICTIONS” which aren’t arguments.

I don’t care about graphics, never have…

No one gives a crap if minecraft has bad graphics lol…

Same with vanilla wow.

Gameplay matters more.

They did improve the graphic dramatically anyway, everything looks 100x better than they did in vanilla. Higher resolutions, better color, more fps, smoother gameplay.