New Gold Seller Trick -- How To Report?

They’re now creating chat channels in Classic WOW with the name of their website. Then inviting you to it. Whether you join it or not, you cannot report them because they don’t actually say anything to right-click on.

I’d probably email and let them know about it, including the websites. That way, they can look into finding ways to stop it.


I think that’s one change that we can all get behind!


…that doesn’t mean that it’s acceptable.


I’m starting to see a trend here.

100% agree. Just concerned that their rather arbitrary blind allegiance to #nochanges might result in a uptick in gold selling, where the WoW token seems to have dramatically stemmed that practice in modern WoW.

I don’t think tokens are the answer. They certainly contribute to the distorted economy on retail.

Stricter enforcement of the existing rules, including perma bans instead of six month bans for first time offender affecting the entire wow account would be my preference.
With both retail and classic being affected by a ban, people have more to loose.


They can technically do this in baby WOW too.

Bear in mind that in classic, most gold selling was done by trial accounts. Gold sellers now have to put money down to Purchse time and blizzard is a lot more thorough with verifying payments than they were back in the day.


Found a way to report them in game as well.

When they invite you to a group, do a /who for their name. Send them a whisper. They won’t respond, but you can then right-click their name from your whisper, which brings up the report menu.

I didn’t get an in-game confirmation, like a ‘thank you for your report’ kind of message, but I don’t know if that’s intended for the Classic reporting system.