New Goblin Models

Mine looks like Shrek.

Am I the only one who wanted an option to hide ears underneath my hood? Every transmog for my goblin rogue has ears poking out of hoods

you mean how the color is brown regardless of hair color

Yes, its annoying and only looks good with the brown hair.

I prefer the art from the original.

I looked like a scummy dirtbag; the guy you wanted to avoid in an alley.

Now my rogue looks like he wants to hug everyone.

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Have to disagree about this being better. Like stated before, they all suffer from same-face syndrome. My goblin before looked rugged, but slim. Now he has the same square jaw as any orc, making me feel like I’m just playing an orc midget instead of a goblin. Please give us back the slender-face looks, at least as OPTIONAL reversions.

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The one thing I hated about my goblin still wasn’t fixed. Every single piece of shoulder armor sits way off to the side or the back and it looks terrible.

Yeah, I miss the diverse look of all the faces. I think my gobby is going into retirement… She’s just not the same anymore.

I’m still coming to terms with my rework, some days it bothers me more than others, but I can safely say that I feel male Gobbos got the worst of it.

They made female goblin butts slightly bigger so it’s a 10/10 in my book.

I really hope we get back atleast the option to use the old Goblin model faces and such…

My goblin rogue went from looking like a mobster, sleazy and gruff, the kind of guy that did things for the bills, and not for the applause and like he’d sooner put a knife in your side when you went for a hug and take your wallet than actually say he liked you for a second.

Now he just…looks like hes all smiling and happy and just…he looks like a green gnome basically, all quaint and giggles…I cannot stand it.

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Apparently I’m allergic to whatever insect stung me on my lips and it left me permanently disfigured.

And now Mekgrim the Goblin is Nytis the Void Elf.

I for one am happy for cuter goblins, mostly female ones.

my lips are much more noticeable on my mog now… which makes me kinda sad. might have to find a new helm…

Exact thing I had to to, Chock. …Was using the eye-patch for so long for my Gob Rogue… Now the eyes just look so quaint and happy I had to blindfold him just to hide it away and in some mild way give my rogue back his “I don’t tolerate any BS, wheres my money for the job?” look back

My male Goblin now looks like a miniature Shrek. I agree with a previous poster that the old model looked like someone that you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley. Can we have the old Goblin models back?