New Gill'el in-game pet

The cost is why i didn’t buy it the first day , double what funko murloc is, and funny enough , hasn’t sold out

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Blizzard only has so many pixels they can use… the funkopop murloc uses 99% of them, that is why they limited the plush

Blizzard hasn’t learnt from Ticketmaster’s mistakes apparently. Like the OP, I found out about this pet after the item was sold out on the US and EU store.

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I only just learned this plush/pet existed today, only to then immediately learn it was already sold out. Wracking my brain trying to figure out how I didn’t hear about it - Can only chalk it up to Thanksgiving weekend keeping me too busy to catch the news I guess.

I’ve collected minipets since launch day, going all the way back to the Vanilla Collector’s Edition Mini-Diablo/Zergling/Panda Cub. Extremely upset this was gone before I ever even heard about it.

One thing that gives me hope is - Being in the minipet game for so long - I recall that when the Wind Rider Cub and the Gryphon Hatchling were originally released on the gear store (also plushes that included ingame pets) - They also sold out initially, but due to high demand they EVENTUALLY restocked, and on the second stocking weren’t hard to get at all (stuck around for a good long while)…

I HOPE that happens for this - Because frankly this pet is way cooler.


let me guess, you need to buy razors and shaving cream to get that.

I am really hoping there is a restock, or the pet goes on the store. As an avid collector with virtually every pet, I’m really not happy with stuff like this. 750 total units for the 10’s of thousands of collectors out there? Trash. What a horrible decision. All this does is enable scalpers to take advantage of people, and cause real collectors to consider not continuing to collect.

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Collectors fuming.

Also, the pet looks like it belonged to a blizzcon code.

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It sold out in 1 day and is already being sold by scalpers on ebay for 400 bucks. Great move, Blizzard. Why even bother offering stuff that only enriches people who exploit limited edition offers like that. Hope the pet ends up on the trading post just to punish the people doing this nonsense.

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^^^ this times a million.

I wish they would stop doing promotions tied to real-world goods, especially stupidly overpriced, expensive ones.

on top of blizz goods, they’re also doing more with other companies - I got lucky with the steelseries one because a friend bought the mouse and gave me the pet, but now there’s a razer promotion with a pet. who knows what else is coming down the pipeline.

makes me think collecting isn’t worth it anymore.

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To be fair, that plushie looks like crap. I just wanted the in game pet, not some plushie that looks like it was made by a chimpanzee on crack.

I have an addiction to Trolli gummy worms and gave a number of Gummi pets to people who could not get them. Donated them to discord giveaways too. They mostly went to people on EU servers or people in Canada. One to a lady in Australia. Luckily Trolli is an awesome company to work with and never had any issues finding their products or getting the codes.

Mt Dew promo is terrible. Half the codes on their products didn’t work or were missing from the few products I could find. The game fuel mt dew was not sold anywhere near me, ONLY in large cities. Nearest for me would have been south Dallas. Guildies helped me get the mount and pets though.

This move by Blizzard is terrible though. Only scalpers and the rich people who buy from them will get the items and the rest of us are snubbed

I did the exact same. I gave Trolli pets away to in-game friends, as well as the Mt Dew pets/mount. It was a no brainer ($3 here, $10 there), but the $100+ purchases to get a pet/mount are getting out of hand.

I’m willing to pay for the Gill’el pet (and even the plush) but I can’t even get it. The thing was sold out in less than a day… How can you possibly do a promotion pet with such limited availability when there are thousands of collectors out there??


It did not. I went back and forth for a week putting it in my cart and debating then removing it again before it finally was sold out.

It’s unbelievable how Blizzard is helping out scalpers. I really wanted the Gill’el and Frosty murloc pet but I’m not going to pay extra for stuffed animals, especially if I have to get one of them from eBay now for double or triple the price.

If the digital pets get sold separately or put on the TP then fine, I’ll get them, but not before.

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I push back on this, in that it sold out very quickly. I agree, perhaps not in 1 day, but what alerted you to it’s existence?

I asked several people where it was announced, they, and people in this thread have said there was an email promo. I did not get the email promo. However, from the time of the Wowhead post (11/25/24 11:47AM), to when I saw the Wowhead post on the 27th, it was already sold out, which was 2 days.

If you received an email promo, what day did you receive the email, what did it say? It was sold out by the 27th.

No clue. I delete emails daily. Those are all long gone. I know I had the email at least three days or more prior to Wowhead. Because I distinctly remember wondering why it took them so long.

You just have to add yourself to my ranks:

Someone who is an avid collector, and while being far beyond even “comfortably wealthy”, I refuse to pay real money for fake items. It’s just not a smart investment, from a purely financial pov.

It’s one thing to be a whale. It’s another to be a stupid whale.

It’s an especially good example because the Steel Series promo included a $200 promotional item, that arguably wasn’t even that good. The headset I have vastly outperforms that one, so I’d never use the promo one, I’d just be throwing $200 … on a digital item (so I don’t even own it).

Sorry-not-sorry… I’m not doing that.

And so when I call myself a “hardcore collector”, that comes with the asterisk that I’m only aiming for the 90th percentile. I will never spend thousands of dollars for China-only promotions, or things like that. I won’t spend $200 for a headset I’ll never use. I won’t even spend $50 for a derpcrafted “Junko” item.

People just have to learn to say “no.” Learn what a digital item really means. Pay attention to how you have NO RIGHTS … to the thing you just bought! You should be nothing short of outraged that a company would even suggest such a thing. But, unfortunately, it’s all on you for agreeing to it.

Thankfully, some of us don’t.

Also, I stand by my OP. In that this wasn’t announced as widely as the " Brrrgl" pet. It wasn’t announced in the client, nor on the in-game store, nor any of the “regular” channels.

In my opinion, the in-game pet should be made available somewhere, either in-game store, or some other way. Blizzard should be fair and consistent with it’s messaging of the availability of merchandize.

Additionally, I don’t believe Blizzard should EVER run promotions like this in the future. 750 of anything, for 7million players, while at the same time only informing a small percentage of those players is something that is, and does alienate its players.

There are enough people saying do “xyz” and I will cancel my account. Let’s be real, this isn’t that level of unacceptable, but you can still click leave feedback, and say this type of promotion is not welcome, while still playing the game.

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Is this a Superman reference?

No, it’s a play on Thrall’s birthname, Go’el.

ETA: I suppose one could make a strong argument that Thrall himself is, in fact, a Superman reference. After all, he is an ‘alien’ from another world that has had a significant impact on Azeroth.