New Fresh Start Realms with Wrath Classic

Blizz already lifted the server cap a few weeks ago - it’s now 50 per account as with Retail.

edit - I haven’t seen anything that suggests they are re-adding server caps for fresh, so perhaps I missed it, but I’d be surprised if that were the case.

Whether or not I even agree (probably not) I’m not sure how easily you could actually ‘ban’ them esp given that Blizz has little to no GM staff - you could ban advertising for them in LFG but even that would rely on players reporting.

I had no idea. That’s great! I’m closer to a casual player (due to the time constraints of life) and I don’t hear all of the news or update materials. Thanks for posting that!

good points all around

did we got reset all cd for the change realm after wotlk ?

good stuff

awesome sounds fun

well well!! looks like we run into each-other again!

I absolutely agree with what you have to say on my standpoint of the situation, and it definitely need to be addressed with what you said, OR a longer duration before you can transfer over, or similar terms.

Would it be possible to create a new pvp and pve server with the lfd tool? This would allow the people that want the tool to have it without hurting the realms that do not want it.

Why not have a designated server with the Random Dungeon Finder, it will allow those that want the Random Dungeon Finder to have and those that do not want it will have that choice as well.


It ties back to the issue that the problem isn’t just RDF or no-RDF, it’s that a number of servers are borked, but also people are making this decision two years into the game’s life cycle with maybe just 1 more to go.

A number of people won’t want to transfer (whether bc guild, or time zone, or transfer fee cost or whatever) or reroll (all of the above, plus re-leveling or buying a boost) even if they do want the tool, esp if it has to be weighed against other things they have or would want.

And practically speaking, Blizz seems intent to run Classic as cheaply as possible. I don’t think they’re going to be wild about running different servers with different game builds just for this one issue.

Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t think of any other item they’ve even weighed doing that sort of thing.

“FRESH” is a failed meme. Create Novel Classic Content instead of another set of servers you will mismanage.

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Is there a discord server set up for these fresh servers?

Well done blizzard. Fantastic decision. I’ve decided to reactivate my account and will play on a fresh server. My only request is you block all transfers and boosts permanently on these fresh servers


You should probably wait for specifics to actually reactivate. This blue post is over a month old, and while the concept sounds great in theory, whether it is great in reality will depend on the details.

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What is too crowded? In the EU they supposedly have servers with 30k characters on them, that’s what I call too crowded.

Anything with more than one layer for sure.


I just read through 500 posts of entitled annoying people.


I just read though 500 posts of paying customers who have been ignored and kept in the dark for a month. Odd how people see tihngs differently.