How will people respond to the fresh server idea if they implement the WoW Token for WOTLK I wonder?
I’m sorry but the suggestion the information you get from Blizzard is legit, unfiltered truth, is laughably ridiculous. Such an idea illustrates a fundamental lack of understanding of who these people are.
When I log ingame and see 80 bots + in dungeons like blood furnace, or even bots open world farming primals in plain sight. You expect me to believe the resources they have dedicated to stopping these bots outweighs the profit from active subs and boosts? LOL even on retail IDK how many times i’ve seen 20 boomkin bots farming entire zones of mobs. Additionally have you been paying attention to the cuts they’ve made around the entire company in the last 5 years - you are truly misguided to believe that bull crap.
It’s your story. Tell it how you like. I’m not the one who is delusional. I’m sorry that you’re extremely very misinformed.
Happy I see that everyone is basically saying the same thing with the fresh start servers. No xfires to them, no boosts on them and hopefully heavily moderated for bots. I hope blizzard listens and lets them be completely quarantined away from the rest of the servers.
Thank you for the update
Please give us enough time to level in these new realms. Obviously nothing crazy, but a month or so would be great!
I thought these were coming with the prepatch so you get 2-6 weeks assuming most likely 4 weeks.
My question is will these new servers be on the same battlegroups as old servers. Lack of established servers mean harder time finding enchants, gems, crafted gear, raids, arena partners. You are just shooting yourself in the foot moving to one of these realms if you have any goals of doing arenas and vsing non fresh servers.
So on what basis the realms will be considered healthy or not to eventually open the transfers and practically ruin those said realms? What is the point in even being excited for the fresh realms if the transfers will eventually ruin those realms? And why are you not making a clear statement that could guarantee the safety of our progress? Why do we have to worry that the transfers might open after 90 or 120 days after the start?
Can you not be so opportunistic for once and actually let us enjoy the game?
Hey everyone, just to let you know we are doing a WoTLK Launch Community - For these fresh servers. Feel free to checkout our recruitment post or visit our site
Bro who tf making a fresh toon for cataclysm
Can we also get an integrated “sell grays” button. It seems illogical having to need an add-on for that. Ty.
I assume this will be on a pvp server?
They have basically stated they are planning to monitor the health of the fresh servers and take steps to keep them alive (which includes no transfers if healthy, but transfers if they start to fail) and most people seem worried they will act incorrectly.
So its kind of hard for them as they need to be active at working on these “fresh” servers. But if they act too fast or too slow on perceived/real issues they will suffer backlash.
Hey GM guy, I know how to fix this, look at my edits to your bullet points below:
- you will not be allowed to boost a character on Fresh Start realms.
- Fresh Start realms will not be available destinations for character transfers.
- Death Knights cannot be created on these realms.
you were doing so well until the no DKs part…
I honestly think the DK coulda been way cooler if you leveld some other character AKA warrior or pally and then had them die and be reanimated to become a DK, so it would replace that character but it would still make you have to level from 1.
According to Kevin Jordan that was the original plan. In fact every class would have its own hero class they could choose to turn into.
Would have been cool.
You know when I first started playing in og TBC my english wasn’t very good, and I thought that’s the way the Deathknight were going to work. So, when Wrath launched I even leveled a warrior with the sole purpose of having a DK that could dual wield two-handed swords. XD… I can still feel the disappointment lol. But when i told my buddies, at the time, they admitted that was a much better way to do it… after they finished laughing because i spent a month leveling a warrior for nothing.
hey! you’ren just an alt, get outta here!