New Fresh Start Realms Available with Pre-expansion Patch


Finally, it was said that the goal would be “as few servers as possible” with at least one per region in order to limit the chances that fresh servers turns into single faction servers.

The three play regions are:

  • Americas for players in North America, Latin America, South America, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • Europe for players in the European Union, Eastern Europe, Russia, Africa, and the Middle East.
  • Asia for players in South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.

We are a region… where is our server?

Regions = Tabs at the bottom of NA client server list.


Latin America also missed out BTW…

3am Monday for Blizz. COME ON!!! OCE!!!


I totally agree , we should have atleast been given 1 Wotlk new PVE server for our region

NA region includes both US realms and Oceanic realms

one per region… not one per client.

oh and BTW 4am at blizzard HQ.

The three play regions are:

  • Americas for players in North America, Latin America, South America, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • Europe for players in the European Union, Eastern Europe, Russia, Africa, and the Middle East.
  • Asia for players in South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.

either way give it 5 hours and cross fingers

i am apprehensive but also hopeful

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Australians would NEVER play in the americas if given the choice. the ping is the worst. but No OCE servers for us.


Well we do have a WoW data center in Australia. We should be allowed to have atleast 1 fresh Wotlk


For SoM I initially played on Lionheart but after a month the population died too fast, so I reroll on Obsidian Edge (west coast US realms - 160ms for me).

I didn’t really notice the latency to be honest as most global occur outside this timeframe

So yeah I would still play on a west coast US realm if no OCE realm existed.

Same here and for 9 friends but 10 more will not resub for US pings… they are happy with the various survival games around and coming out soon.

Their argument is they will dabble with the pirate servers if they need to put up with latency.

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+8 for OCE fresh pvp server…


I played SOM for a little bit. The reason I left was that it was only supposed to last a year so why bother. It just makes me think too much of the EQ type progression servers. YES I know SOM wasn’t a progression server, but I mean the definite conclusion.

EQ/EQ2 has a progression mindset crowd. I’m not sure if WoW does… I know I don’t feel like progressing to the exact thing that made me quit the game.

SOM to me would have been better off as a Classic+ server or have some kind of community input to find what “the expansion” is that the most people would be willing to pay for. The “+” part is mostly there to find some mechanic to give people a reason to keep playing… No I don’t really have an example of what that would be. I’m an odd duck that would just keep playing something I liked…

I wonder why people keep bringing up a lack of interest in SoM as a reason that wrath fresh will somehow fail.

If you started as 60 on SoM sure may have been worth a look but for a limited life server why bother levelling etc…

I would play SoM again with more changes and at the end, allow chars to transfer to w.e is going on within progressing servers.

I’ll make a druid or rogue on the fresh pvp realm just to watch the chaos in STV