New Fresh Start Realms Available with Pre-expansion Patch

For me, it’s not about the efficiency of world PvP or even if each world PvP experience is even ‘fun’.

To me, PvP servers are all about world building. I like when the world feels dangerous. It forces you to engage with the game, world and players differently.

Honestly, being on a PvE server and watching the enemy faction take resource nodes or tagging mobs without the option of trying to fight to get the mob or node just feels so… empty. It destroys the RP for me.

I don’t really even consider if world PvP itself is fun, because having it on my server helps me enjoy the entirety of the rest of the game a whole lot more.

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Bumping in-case Blizzard workers are back, we really need a Fresh OCE server


One more vote for a fresh start OCE server.


Well <12hrs till they are probably in the office. Lets hope we get news of an OCE server BEFORE prepatch drops… We already have the community that would play there splintering or just losing interest in WoW altogether.


+1 for OCE fresh server PVE


Has Blizz decided to release and fresh WOTLK OCE server yet?


We wont find out until monday US time so in about 12 hours

any of the dead existing realms is fresh since there’s no players.

same could be said for the dead US and EU realms aswell, the trouble is organizing everyone to treat it as the ‘fresh woltlk’ realm, and also considering paid transfers wont be locked to it doesnt give a good idea of treating it that way.

Wait, you were expecting RDF to be on fresh but not on current realms? Why would they do that?

Both you and Lightforge misunderstand each other. Lightforge thought you were talking about fresh servers when you said, “they already said no (to dungeon finder)” he thought you were saying they already said no to OCE fresh realms, so he asked for a source.

When lightforge said finder was out, I think he was saying that it wasn’t going to be a thing rather than it’s already in there.

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God bless you

no… some random dropped into this talking about the dungeon finder crap.

This thread is solely about OCE server until we get a reply from Blizz


+1 For OCE fresh server PVE


Its 1am monday morning at Blizzard HQ. Tick Tock

Myself & a few friends have been looking forward to WoTLK classic since before it was announced, we planned on taking the first 2 weeks off work on leave to play together

I have a heap of guildies from WoW classic that were planning on forming a guild together again too, now we’ve all essentially had our plans destroyed… no fresh servers kills that spirit & none of us care to play on a pre-established server, otherwise we’d be on there now making gold

It’s disappointing that Blizzard are moving back to treating our region like we’re dirt & mean nothing to them

I bet they’d never announce how many current subscribers they have in our region & how many they had during classics launch

An OCE fresh would be incredible, and it seems a not-so-insignificant number of returning players had been expecting one for our region. Without it, I doubt many will return.

Having said that, Blizz gave us a SoM realm, and it died like so many of other OCE based instances.

Both myself, and many players would appreciate one, but I can understand why they are hesitant to provide something which wouldn’t be maintained.


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SOM had no good marketing though & was released with poor timing & hasnt really had any work done with it

WoTLK has a whole playerbase that started in WoTLK, they don’t care about SOM, but they care about WoTLK

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There are a lot of people that ONLY play Wrath BTW. And have been doing so for years while waiting for this… somehow.

This community is, after all why Blizzard was forced to release Classic.

I just hope blizzard are more interested in having people pay them to play. Servers located in the region people are playing in are the secret sauce.