New Fresh Start Realms Available with Pre-expansion Patch

We need a Oce Fresh server all the boys are keen to come back!!!


Thats not true I progression raid in retail and classic as an OCE player on US east servers sure its a higher ping but you can handle it by preplanning your abilities.

Ofc but far from ideal in 2022 …

I decided to test how playing on a US server would feel, by playing a bit on Mankrik yesterday and today. I noticed the lag. On most casts, there was a noticeable delay between the spell animation ending and the mob’s health actually going down. And there was one lag spike of about 2 seconds. Things that I’ve not noticed happening on my regular Oceanic server(s).

But in fairness it is nowhere near as bad as I remember from before we got Oceanic servers. The lag seems less extreme now, and significant lag spikes seem to happen less often. I think this is because most places in Australia have fibre to the node now, and some even have fibre to the house.

Which definitely makes playing on a US server possible. But also not great. I still think that interrupting on short casts is going to be a problem, and I wouldn’t want to be a healer…

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Preplan that clutch LoH huh… gg

OCE fresh please! Would be really fun to play WoW again


+1 for OCE Fresh (Normal)


+1 for OCE Fresh (Normal)


If their was no pve. The fresh servers would be dead. The majority of the player base who will be playing fresh will be on pve.

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Is this east coast or west coast ?


Mankrik is an east coast US server - if your playing from east coast Australia ie Melb / Syd then choosing a west coast US server is better for latency (ie Atiesh)

+1 for fresh oceanic server


This currently isn’t reflected by the numbers on the respective discords though time will tell.

Personally the only benefit I see to a PvP server is you can kill bots from the other faction. Real PvP is all instanced content anyhow… even wintergrasp.

No layering on depending your preference one server… that would hold far more players in that single layer than any old school server.

I’m not sure how you think this is a good idea but ok… All the rest of what you wrote sounds great. I just don’t see how we’d have no layering until numbers drop a bit or people spread out… unless of course the interest for fresh just isn’t there and then obviously there would be no reason for layers.

Yes, but it is entirely possible that the two NA Fresh Start realms will be east coast.

Already asked, as if they will answer the question… were all gonna be forced to bum rush servers on launch to see whats west and east… watch everything be east tho… a big F U to western players :sweat_smile:

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its only 50ms diff for US between east and west. I am sure you would all be ok either way.

OCE players forced to play on a US server NEED it to be west based. (or better still just give us a server)

Don’t really care if it’s PvP or PvE, will take what we can get, but a single fresh OCE realm is something I’m really hoping for.

If it inevitably gets merged into another server, so be it. I didn’t have the opportunity of being able to pump TBC and although I’m 70, still feel so behind. I love the old world leveling and just want to be able to make groups and grow with a new server.

The US servers might be an option but asking for a single fresh server for OCE surely isn’t asking too much.


the MS isnt the issue - its that raid times and peak times are different for western players. Most if not ALL NA East guilds raid at times West players are still at work or not even awake in the mornings.

So hence some west servers would be nice to play on our timezones and peak times.

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I honestly don’t care if its PvP or PvE and “most” comments seem to be similar. The “real” PvP is instanced anyhow so the only real issue is that you just need it to be based in OCE.

In saying that I would say if we only get one server it should probably be a PvE one as a lot of players that PvP dont care if they get ganked/camped while leveling however PvE players are likely to just flat out quit over world PvP which is overall bad for a server.

You can always run around flagged if you want to start something…

Old school SS/TM battles don’t happen now. People have the game down to a fine art. Its not efficient enough to travel across a map for some world PvP and even on PvP servers people just sit around in cities waiting on queues. PvP in the world on PvP servers is typically with a large level disparity to cause frustration on people much lower or as a response to someone doing that to your alt…