New Fresh Start Realms Available with Pre-expansion Patch

Will these be US (West) or US (East)?

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Did you get an idea of where the OCE players will go?

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Nope but discussions on both servers about it

Biggest issue will be at the 11th hour Blizzard will announce an OCE server AFTER some of that servers potential population have settled on the US pve/pvp servers and further splinter the OCE playerbase.

Thats why the Arugal mega server happened.

They announced the other servers AFTER people had already done name reservations or started leveling on Arugal. Obviously people will not change once established unless their whole group goes.

The OCE bg/arena queues are linked to the existing OCE servers and from what people are saying they are already long… going to suck for people on OCE servers being stuck there with smaller pools as those of us that should be playing in that group end up in the US pool.

Someone from Blizzard really needs to get onto this ASAP (should have been sorted weeks ago) and tell is if we can get a server or not…


Hoping we hear something Monday,
Or atleast a statement saying fresh OCE will not happen in which case I hope US fresh is west

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Thats the thing… uncertainty.

People are generally ok at dealing with disappointment.

If they come on tomorrow (Monday) and say:

  1. OCE get a server. GREAT! If its PVE/PVP most players will put up with the one they dont prefer to get the right arena/bg battle group and lower ping. With the limited numbers signed up to both fresh discords they are alliance heavy, more so on the PvP server as predicted (at the time of posting). If we get PvP or PvE alliance will probably have a good time. If it skews too far horde may have a rough time on a PvP server which can lead to further decline in that faction.

  2. OCE dont get a server but we are locating the US ones on the west. OK… at least we know and can plan. Some of people will bot come back to WoW again others don’t care so much.

  3. OCE dont get a server and they are locating the US ones in the east… Worst for us… again at least we know and can plan accordingly. Less will come back due the higher impact of a high ping.

Surely with the number of comments and threads they would already know about the issue… people have been talking about it for weeks after all.


Maybe no news is good news?
Maybe they are slappin togethr a serv RN

Here’s hoping.

If Blizzard do go with a PvE server they really need to make a blue post explaining that playing on it will put you in the OCE battlegroup so you get the benefit of lower latency when in instanced combat (arenas/bgs). Returning players looking for PvP may not know that and mistakenly roll on the US PvP server and get stuck with the US battlegroups.

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How is it that a post without less than 1000 comments gets blizzard to make a fresh pve server. But 10s of thousands of people begging for looking for dungeon and it’s complete radio silence “we’ll never do it”??!

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I would assume that people made do without the automated dungeon finder for this long and it is not attached to an actual immediate financial incentive for them like bringing in new subscriptions.

(People returning to the game for wrath = $$ some people really hate PvP servers so will not give $$$.)

its not radio silence, they already said no.

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This is the same reason that many of us think that 1 OCE server has a shot.

People that are currently NOT paying a sub and considering coming back being put off by the latency penalties OCE based people have when playing on a server on the other side of the world.

Some will come back, sure but not ALL. Blizz just need to decide if some is enough or they want all.

The number of people that actually quit the game when they say they will is pretty low, sure people leave we all know that. However once you have a customer they hang around for a bit, maybe even give some money for other IPs/services.

This is why banks, insurance companies etc care more about getting new customers than retaining old ones.

The added benefit to getting new people on your platform is idiots like me keep paying subscriptions for stuff I don’t use lol.


Where did blizzard say no? please link? I have not seen that and have been looking for an announcement on OCE fresh for weeks


Said no to RDF

OCE Fresh pretty please! Let’s not send OCE players wanting fresh off to US servers.


Even those in OCE not wanting fresh will be impacted when we all run off to play on the US based servers as we stop playing on the OCE battlegroup.


That has nothing to to with fresh servers (which is what I was asking for a link about)… but yes they said finder was out.

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So its now 1am Sunday at Blizzard HQ. (I think) so only a day and a half before we have a chance to hear that we have a server??

Whats the bet they give us one a day AFTER pre-patch drops and no one moves to it so they can say… “see no demand there” They did it with the other OCE PvP servers on classic launch…