New Fresh Start Realms Available with Pre-expansion Patch

Central QLD FTTN. When connected hardwire 40-60ms in Aus to Arugal. To the US servers it fluctuates but never gets below 300ms.

Not having an OCE server is really bad for a lot of the population that will play on it.

Lots of Australia are still on fixed wireless or 3g/4g connections and a lot of the SE asian players outside of metro centres are in an even worse position than Aus as hard as that is to believe.


Its really simple. A lot of potential customers will not come back and pay a subscription for a poor connection.


Even if there is a poor connection for some players, its still a cheap form of entertainment

“I stopped playing, as did a lot of my friends” This right here is why they are hesitant to give us fresh servers of our own. Why should they give such a low population of people fresh servers when they’ve shown they will just quit after the initial rush/first raid tier?

Edit: I get 170ms connecting to US West from rural Victoria, how are you getting such a bad connection?

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Well we played all the way through classic. Would have stayed there if they didn’t force progressive and the classic era system.

Most quit for TBC some continued. All planned to play wrath classic and again plan to quit when they likely try and force us past wrath.

What should we do when we like Wow 1.x and 3.x and nothing else?

Forced wPVP in a game NOT DESIGNED for wPVP didn’t sound too fun. Go play DAOC if you want a game designed around real faction war.

Fair enough. Again, I hope you folks get a server.

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Thanks for listening and for the PvE server!


Time zone mixes are gonna be awkward but at least they will be populated

Through I wonder if it’ll be both Alliance and Horde or other way around?

They did add fresh server for orig wrath

You may want to update the server list on the launcher as well. I had a friend tell me there were no PvE realms.

Anyone got links to the 2 fresh discords? My group want to see which has the best OCE community before launch so we have the best chance of a good GMT+8-10 experience for those that will put up with the inferior connection to play…

Fingers crossed we just get an OCE server but best to plan for the worst I guess.


You’ve regretted to tell anyone what time zones each realm are going to be for…


What are they?

Rejoice all you non-PvP server players, you have been noticed.



wooot :sparkling_heart:

is Skyfury US West or US East??

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Be good to know ye

thanks mate