New Fresh Start Realms Available with Pre-expansion Patch

Its a new fresh server, not a completely seperated one.
Ofc it will share the same battlegroup as the rest of OCE, whats the issue here ?

You might have a point there, I see numerous issues with pitting fresh servers against progressive in any way. Progressive servers will have a huge advantage early on but later when they open xfers up it wouldn’t be so bad.

I am indeed disputing what you are saying, you’re espousing complete hypotheticals based on incomparable situations. Especially when you go ahead and use comparisons like SoM, i.e. ‘hey friends, play classic all over again but slightly faster :^)’ like yeah cool dude, maybe next week we can compare Mcdonald’s to a 3 hat Michelin Star restaurant for dining experience.

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…No Oceanic servers?

Not even just one?

I am extremely disappointed. Not sure I want to bother coming back anymore. Really sapped the hype I had. :frowning:


Is Skyfury alliance or horde you think?

Progessive wont have any advantage over fresh when it comes to wrath aside from leveling faster with end-game TBC items and hoards of gold to buy everything (with all inflated prices)

Across the board classic population drastically dropped off after the first 1-3months of all iterations. To the point servers died and had to be merged or given free exodus transfers.

OCE fought for its own battlegroup and a few months after you can struggle to even get a 2s to pop at prime time some nights, past 10pm you’re lucky if theres a 1 wsg going.

None of that is made up, it’s hard fact.


Exactly, also professions, capped honor points, consumables in bgs.

BGs is a small part, after a while it will level out
More damage to be done to the battlegroup pop and queues but not having an OCE fresh and splitting those wanting to play between US fresh and current OCE

Also instant access to raids in the first week and gdkps. Any serious pvper would be silly to start on fresh in general imo, but yeah fresh likely wont have enough pop for bgs and arena.

Oh also what about all the twinks and progression levelers in boa gear in bgs while leveling?

Doesn’t sound so fresh to me when 1/3 of the game (pvp, the other 2/3 being leveling and end game pve) is chucked in with progressive servers.

I dont have a guild as I dont currently play. Constructive BTW

I’m just saying around 200ms won’t affect pve, unless you are chasing R1 parses or world speed run records. Even then plenty of people currently compete in those areas not playing in their region on high ping.


So by saying that you think no one in OCE deserves to chase that? GG

well the discord i joined for skyfury has about 1k players and its favors ally a bit
so uh…thats just one discord

Yojamba by the numbers is fine, your anecdotal experience aside

I’m saying it’s not a big deal.

The numbers are fine? Theres 2000 alliance and atleast half of those are likely alts. Prime time and 30 level 70 hunters online on the whole server on Alliance.

Oh yeah I forget alliance exists :slight_smile:

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I see where you went wrong, OCE loves their zug zugs.

Here are my thoughts on the matter .
Background - from Sydney with wifi fibre acct.
Playing on BC oceanic pve server - 3ms.
Playing on BC US west pve server - 144ms.
If there is no Wotlk Oceanic pve server I’m assuming speed will be 144ms. I’m not to happy due to the reaction times, but will have to adapt. I do remember when Classic first arrived 18yrs+ ago Oceanic players had to deal with 400ms+ . I’d prefer to relive Wotlk again then miss out on a fresh start.
Only having 1 pve server for US means there is less chance Wotlk pve will die a slow death of losing players lateron