New Fresh Start Realms Available with Pre-expansion Patch

I have taken a TON of time off work to level to 70 in time to do the invasion events and then push to 80.

Pain in the rear to have to bow go in and cancel my leave… just hoping they clarify if we are going to get a server or not.

Hate the silent treatment.


If there’s no intention of having an Oceanic realm, can the US realm be on the west coast at a minimum so less latency


i never had this problem really - perhaps this happens late in the season? ive only ever been camped a couple times in all my years and ive always rolled pvp.

then play on your pvp server?

Ya know, why not make it one server but do the decl as ted pvp thing in retail? Pvpers can flag and pveers can unflag.


Im feeling gutted that there is no OCE fresh announced. Inflation is horrible on the current OCE servers, just let us have the chance to make a server work.


That would make too much sense. Can’t have that.

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Surely even if the fresh OCE Server had a low population, after sometime you open transfers and players will just move back to Arugal or one of the larger ones.

This funds the initial Fresh Server and all those returning players will potentially move to the larger servers or just continue playing?


I think the existing OCE servers just need to be merged if the pops are really struggling.

There are loads of people not playing in OCE that are waiting on our fresh server.


Was really keen for fresh but seeing no OCE servers is devestating.

I understand the expectation that the population might be low but at least give those of us waiting the ability to play fresh. If this the announcement for no fresh OCE servers 4 days out that’s really unjust.


Original WotLK wasn’t fresh. But yeah that’s your preference.

Lol if your guild is worried about 300ms in WotLK prog there is something else more seriously wrong.

Many players like yourself will last only a month - 3 months and the server will be dead, it’s happened in vanilla, tbc, som and it will happen with wotlk and wotlk fresh. The term is tourists, no offence intended, it’s perfectly ok to get what you want out of the game. The issue is if they stretch the already struggling OCE playerbase further it will effect server health.

Players coming into fresh would be utterly disappointed if blizzard were irresponsible with the fresh servers and they end up on a dead server. It would drive players to quit.

I’m not sure if it’s worth coming back to classic in terms of the pre patch expansion experience if there’s no actually fresh start in terms of Pve or RP Servers.

– Copy-pasting from another thread –

If they open a single fresh OCE:

  • alot of people come back to play
  • OCE battleground gets more action, less queues for arena and BGs
    … if it dies it merges or people transfer off.

If they DONT open an OCE fresh:

  • People just wont play at all.
  • People will roll on US fresh (even less if its US East) and deal with 150ms - 300ms
  • People will just roll on the current OCE servers.
    … this will just split the OCE playerbase up looking to come back for wrath between OCE and US.

Not really any downside to opening a single fresh OCE and let the playerbase deal with the outcome


“Many players like yourself will last only a month - 3 months and the server will be dead, it’s happened in vanilla, tbc, som and it will happen with wotlk and wotlk fresh. The term is tourists, no offence intended”

Thank god we have someone like you with such in-depth knowledge of player metrics and behavior. I mean really I’m surprised they haven’t made you the leading authority on all things classic.

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Are you disputing what I’m saying?

There is a pve server though?

Is this suggesting fresh and progressive servers share a battlegroup? I don’t see how that is a good idea.

Actually come to think of it, is that what the plan is? For fresh and progressive to share battlegroups? I don’t think I’ve seen any info on this.