New Fresh Start Realms Available with Pre-expansion Patch

Im definitely going fresh and ive played on na west with no troubles - i got an ally char on grob i been messn around with since i re sub a few days ago

i mean i like slow leveling, dont seem like you caught the drift

i think im going to stick with Skyfury actually. seems like it will be okay.

Yeah exactly, I just hope they have US west. I think asking for OCE fresh is a stretch and they know that it wouldn’t be financially viable or healthy in the long run.

Seems we got 4 servers? 2 for na and 2 for ue both pvp/pve
What does normal mean? Pve right?

I kinda do have to go fresh…

As far as I’m concerned, fresh servers and existing classic servers are entirely different games.

The fresh experience IS the game for me and many others. So if we don’t have a fresh OCE server, we don’t have classic WotLK.

But TBH I don’t know why blizzard is leaving this stuff to us the playerbase to bikker over, they could easily open up name rego’s and get real data to base their decisions on, but the haven’t and they aren’t.

So it’s a roll of the dice either way - I just want to have fun with my favorite game before I move on forever.


shows how wrong you are lol

With pings that exclude some classes from prog.

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Well until Classic, classic wrath :wink:

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If it will be in unreal engine Sure thing.

Maladath (Normal)

Normal = Pve im sure

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Oceanic Fresh Start server, For Justice!!


Whats a void elf? but yes OCE needs a server!!!


I guess the fact I have a retail profile and don’t have a TBC character just shows how many people are genuinely only coming back for Wrath!!!


This is the way…

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Where the OCE server at? My friends and I were really looking forward to it


I re subbed just for fresh start and all I want to do is PvP, but I cannot stand the low lifes that do world pvp. its just max level people who will ambush low level players just trying to quest and level up. screw that crap, no PvE server means I am gone.

They have a PvE mate. Just dont have an OCE server.


no, it means pvp too

+1 OCE Server


I’ve been dying for a fresh start but not having one on OCE is devastating :frowning: