New Fresh Start Realms Available with Pre-expansion Patch

It really does have enough players, im not sure where you are getting this information from.
It like telling US players to just play on EU servers and deal with it


Yojamba is actually pretty dead, I’ve been trying to level my warrior alt and it’s extremely hard to find groups.

I flip-flopped on coming back and playing on Arugal again or waiting for fresh for multiple weeks, eventually decided on fresh… big mistake, could have just been playing and prepping for launch. Shame


Lots of us quit at TBC launch or during it as we dont like TBC. All here standing at the door waiting patiently for our wrath servers.

I dont play wow currently and 20 friends are the same. We stuck with classic till TBC launch. 3 were still playing till recently but most had no interest in TBC and the way Blizzard did Era was a train wreck.

There are likely enough people planning to come back for fresh to populate at least one OCE server.

I have enough in my immediate group of friends for 2 10 man groups and would be able to pick up 5 players for a 25 man. I am sure I’m not alone.


They should probably update the launcher. It still only lists Skyfury in the pre-patch announcement.

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All this launch prep is really over rated and Arugal’s economy is wack so gold isn’t as big of an issue anyway. Leveling epics are going for under 20g

I hope you get your OCE server.


Leveling wise sure, but lvl 70 LFG seems pretty active, even on alliance side

Yojamba and Remulos are both teetering towards death. I play on both and it’s really hard to find groups and the AH is basically empty.

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Don’t get me wrong I’d love OCE fresh, but honestly I think it would be fairly dead in the water.

This… raid leading and telling that rogue they cant come for prog as they live in the wrong region is not a good feeling.

We had that in the guild on Arugal where some players from the US were playing OCE as they were shift workers. It sucks.

OCE needs one server at least. If existing servers are such as issue merge em.

Only issue with merging seems to be names. This could be solved by allowing spacebar to be used… or use a hidable surname per acct.


Pve server DOA… 2 months of life support.

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If it ends up dying ill just transfer to US West down the line and deal with it

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If theres no OCE server then a US west server will have OCE dedicated guilds.

If the new server is US West, which might not be the case, in which case there is no where for OCE players to start fresh wrath

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Speculation - but how many players quit with the news of fresh servers?

I know I have been waiting on the sidelines waiting for fresh for weeks/months with no desire to put time into characters I’ll never play once fresh launches.

Could be contributing to current TBC servers teetering.


Tbc was fairly dead from the get go, you have all the tourists for the first month then it dropped off hard.

WotLK will be no different honestly. Maybe hold slightly more for slightly longer, but no way it will have healthy pvp and no way fresh will be a big server.

Also fresh oce would have to join in us fresh battlegroups which is the main issue with 200-300ms anyway.

oh snap - Good News

I quit before tbc - never really cared for it. Dont even care for wotlk really but itll be a first time so might as well. Not much else going on.
(easy leveling is what i dont like)
So if it comes with buffs ill likely just explore all nooks and crannies while leveling. Pull more mobs to make it feel harder lol.

That’s fine and all, but US west will suit your needs anyways and if lag is really that big of a deal you don’t need to go fresh.