New Fresh Start Realms Available with Pre-expansion Patch

If OCE only gets one it should probably be PvE as anyone playing horde this reroll will probs have a crap time on a PvP server dominated by humans.

As I will be going alliance this time I don’t really care I just want OCE but think a PvE is better where faction imbalance is likely to have a huge impact on the long term health of the server.


Fingers crossed for an OCE server!


Thanks for adding the server. I still think the que times will be atrocious on both, everyone is underestimating the interest in both fresh and WoTLK. People, its going to be big.
Like overweight non binary alien lifeform, big. So big. Just huge.
But, at least you listened and added a server.
Cyall at the log in que boys.

We need Oceanic Fresh Start!!!


They really need to let us know if they are doing OCE or not… if they leave it too long we will end up with some of the playerbase jumping on US servers. Further splitting the community.

Of they are 100% NOT doing OCE at least we know and can decide if we happy coming back to play with lag or just give wow a miss and play something else till ‘classic, classic’.


Please just 1 OCE server Blizz! Give us a final reset for Wrath


This is, after all the final xpac worth playing… :slight_smile:


I was happy just seeing the 1 new realm that was pvp. Oh well…

We likely wont hear about OCE fresh until monday now as its like 9pm in US


Agreed. Every hour going by without an OCE fresh is putting more and more players off.

People will be rolling on Arugal already after hearing news of no OCE fresh - I know because that’s how I feel without news.

Not even sure if I’ll play without OCE fresh :frowning:


Imagine how hard the single US server will melt on launch when all the oceanic players join up as well


I feel you.

I’m in the same boat - totally deflated after being hyped for weeks and getting tentative buy-in from my non-wow friends.

Show some OCE love, please!


Luckily, they added 1 of each for NA and EU. Looks like OCE doesn’t have any yet and might have to deal with US ping. >< I’m just glad they added another one. To the PVPers sad all their fresh meat casuals who they wanted to gank won’t be playing there, too bad! :laughing:

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Sadly agree.

Look, if PvP servers were about the mass world battles in Southshore and Crossroads, it’d be different. But all PvP servers have ever been about is high level characters camping lowbies in STV…


I can think of the PvP ones where it’s kill 50 players in major city, usually you’d get it when doing For The Horde/For the Alliance

You’re aware fresh means everyone’s at 1 right? There isn’t gonna be any 70’s camping you because people are busy levelling themselves.

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It must be a surprise we want an OCE server… not like we have been asking for confirmation since they announced fresh…


I camp lowbies in Hillsbrad and the Desolace, as intended.

I was hoping that OCE gets some realms, but if the sands aren’t shifting i’m going to lose interest.


East or west coast? As there won’t be an OCE server and likely wouldn’t have the numbers for a healthy one anyway, I really hope its west coast as east is unplayable for OCE players.