New Fresh Start Realms Available with Pre-expansion Patch

Utterly devastated that there will be no Fresh Start realms in my region (Oceanic). I had based all my plans off there being at least 1 Oceanic Fresh Start realm, and re-rolling Horde on it. But there’s absolutely no way I can play on a US server. The ping is ~300ms for Australian players on a US server, as opposed to ~30ms (depending on exact physical location) for an Oceanic server.

Absolutely gutted. No other words for it. Just gutted.


OCE PvP Realm?


I get about 250ms on Remulos. TBH, it doesn’t make that much of a difference. You get used to it pretty quick.

Regardless… I hope you get an OCE server!


Agreed, I’ve been so hyped about fresh because I’m going to be playing with my fiance and she’ll 100% have a better experience on fresh.

Honestly not sure if we’ll even play now that our choices are lag (so no high arena rating) or play bot infested GDKP servers.

No thanks!


I mean, since they were willing to make a massive change and remove RDF, why not make another one and have one server with a PVP toggle? Do it like war mode on retail.

To me, world PVP is the worst part of WoW. Just let me turn it off and I don’t care if everybody else around me is killing each other.

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Trust me, I’ve played on US servers before there were Oceanic servers. I know the frustration of not being able to be on interrupt duty. I remember being sooo frustrated in Cata because I simply could not get an interrupt off on time on the first boss of heroic Shadowfang Keep. I can’t go back to that. I just can’t.


OCE has roughly 8k / 3k / 2k players across 3 servers,
I would say thats more than enough to warrent a fresh realm … peoples minds are so scewed to what a healthy server is by the 20k pop of mega servers


Also we are right at the end of an expansion, everyone is underestimating the amount of people that will be coming back just for Wrath, it’s right at the top of most people’s WoW expansion tier lists.


One server of each type is fine. after the initial appeal people will be back to their mains in a few months

Lots of us OCE players currently not active on TBC servers too. So the current server pops do not reflect who will come back for fresh wrath.

In fact once people made the assumption that Wrath was coming that didnt like TBC a lot pulled the pin.

I would guess there are probably enough OCE players not subbed or not active that are waiting for wrath that they could support a fresh… why play on the current servers if you plan to go hard on fresh?


Blizzard, you should do one PVP and PVE server for those who intend to stay on the fresh realm, and another pair for those who are only playing fresh since Northrend isn’t available until Sept 26 (and who will leave fresh at that point). That way our fresh realm queues are bogged down with non-fresh players.

I can’t tell if your trolling or not.

10/10 if you are. 0/10 if you aren’t.

THANK YOU for adding a fresh normal server.


OCE forgotten again. Blizz you should really drop our sub fee for this subpar treatment we get… it’s disgraceful.


OCE server please!


Rolled over pretty quick on that one.

Where is RDF?

A greater deal of feedback on RDF has been around for months.

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Its still early here in OCE. I suspect there will be more noise here once everyone wakes up and/or logs in and sees this.



That’s ridiculous. I don’t want a one faction dominant realm, I like being ganked, its fun it adds a human element. Life doesn’t go perfect, and that adds to the allure and the fun of world of warcraft. Sad that you feel so tainted by this. It’s sad that people try to drag others into thinking your way. We don’t want one-faction dominance, Alliance racials are great for pvp in wotlk. We want a balanced pvp server and kookie people like you ruin it.

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Thank you for listening. It doesn’t actually affect me, because I’m going on the PVP server anyway. But I think this was the right move, and more importantly, it’s great to see you guys take feedback and respond to it. Sometimes there’s a feeling that you’re not really listening, and this is a great morale booster against that impression.


We need an OCE server.

I don’t like PvE servers, but I’d play the heck out of a PvE server if it was my only Fresh OCE option.

300+ms just isn’t playable in 2022