New Fresh Start Realms Available with Pre-expansion Patch

Any chance at an oceanic server? We want the fresh start, even if it needs to be merged later.


How are you planning on balancing the faction population. The players cannot do this alone.

Oceanic deserve a fresh server too you gave us servers so why not use them and give us a server with good ping


They can’t. Both servers will be heavy to one faction. This shiet is DoA worse than SoM.

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Regarding OCE not having the pop to support a fresh server. I am only speaking for a group of around 20 people that quit at the launch of TBC or during it but I assume there are much more people in this region like us that loved Classic and Wrath but were planning to suffer through TBC that, in the end couldn’t be bothered.

The release of a Fresh OCE wrath realm will give those that had no interest in the game pre-wrath (new players) haven’t played since classic finished (60) and played TBC but quit due to not liking the expansion (70 and broke) all an even playing field.

There is probably a full server worth of people that are sitting in the wings waiting for wrath.

Regardless of the realities of raiding on a US server and the higher ping not having a huge impact on most fights it is still a barrier to many players in my group coming back.

I personally don’t care if we got a PvP or PvE server but feel that PvP servers have a high probability of pushing people away who choose to play horde due to the probability of humans being dominant.

I plan to play through as Alliance this time as we were all horde last play through so want to experience the alliance quests. People rerolling Alliance for the story/new experience and those that are doing it for the human racial point to a huge imbalance. The “horde for life” players are probably not going to have a fun time on a PvP server.


polls were showing 50/50 with over 5 k votes 3 days ago for fresh servers.
But now that we are split I dunno what’s going to happen.
Only thing I know is that there are plenty of horde guilds 100+ rolling on fresh pvp, so there is that :slight_smile:

Look at TBC, at launch, there might be enough people, come later expac. The server will be dead. SoM has shown this. Fresh is actively going to hurt the whole OCE region as a whole if there is a new server on OCE. I would actually recommend having 1 OCE server, to have a healthy P1 To end of WOTLK

If Blizzard had servers open NOW for name res for ONE name on one fresh server it would provide them REAL DATA on what the faction balance and demand is likely to be.

If no demand do not release the server?!? seems pretty easy to me.

They could do the same with an email poll to all players that actually played classic.


How are servers “DOA” just due to faction balance? Even if the servers end up being 100% horde and 100% alliance, it’s no different than the mega servers we have now. It still serves it’s purpose as a fresh experience for those who want it. Are you saying that Benediction and Faerlina are dead? That makes no sense


Agreed, we need an OCE server!! I have a group of about 20 people who were keen to roll on a fresh wrath server. The one thing I didn’t want to re-live from 2008 was the latency issues.


well they are technically dead as the purpose of a game based off the war between two faction is.

Also, not being able to get all the achievements because a lot of them require the other faction to be present… yeaaahh hard pass

Do you have info on if it is West or East coast based? A central/mountain time zone for server time would be nice so East isn’t having to log super late opposed to West. Also location for latency/ping?

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Although you might be right - why do people think SoM is a good comparison to WotLK classic?

If SoM servers died it likely had a lot to do with how and when it was released and the lack of interest from players generally outside of the 1%er club.

I anticipate a load more players picking up WotLK classic than did SoM, maybe enough for a healthy Fresh OCE server.

But, who knows…

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RE OCE servers, The launch of TBC isn’t really a good example.

Those of my group got splintered as many wanted to skip TBC and play classic till wrath. (They ended up quitting with the botched ERA system)

Others in my group suffered through TBC but eventually as the effort in playing an xpac you didn’t like exceeded the reward. We quit.

I understand that our 20 people sample is limited and may not be representative but as it stands now I will go play on NA pvp as alliance with 6 of the group. The rest are not coming back as the “lag will be too high”.


Thanks for adding a PvE server! Now we can all play as seems best to us. :slight_smile:


which achievements?

check the pvp achievement window, I would say 15% of them involves the other faction, and there ain’t a way around it. Specially for the defeding the home city from invasions or when invading killing certain races

A way around it would be having a second account run a char into the city and kill them

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Thank you, Kaivax!

Who do I email to suggest that you get a raise?


I said there was not a way around it because there are achievements that require the other faction dude being lvl 80 or having a certain arena rating