New Fresh Start Realms Available with Pre-expansion Patch

Im a little confused with only 2 options… arent que times gonna be hitting double digit hours? gonna be pretty unpleasant alternative to just making more and merging them all later right?

Some people think Fresh is DOA as is. Blizzard is playing safe. Que times sucks but it means long term health for the server.

I’d bet anything that they layer the hell out of it at the start and taper as the numbers fall off. I don’t think we’ll see excessive que times.

Megadeth (Normal)


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It’s clear balance isn’t important to Blizzard when making swift changes to their initial goals of 1 server like this because people cried on the forums. Forgetting lessons learned from the past 3 years of Classic and the horrific handling of SOM servers. Hurts man.

I agree, they should of just changed the one server to PVE.

PvP players can just use the toggle after all. . .



Oh boo hoo. With the exception of Grobb no other classic PvP server has been even remotely balanced or healthy. People don’t want wpvp, and it’s obvious for anyone looking at the data. The demographics of this game have changed over the last 15 years. Or more accurately, the player base has gotten older. We don’t want to have long fights over a summoning stone for lack luster honor gains. We have a couple hours to play and want to run a dungeon with buddies. If we want a BG we queue up for one.

One server per type. 1 pvp, 1pve. Seems perfect to me. Hopefully the OCE boys get some love too.


So as we are going to end up with massive queues can we get them released for name reservation early (one name)

The people lucky enough to get on get every name they use where those stuck in the Queue end up with names full of altcodes or ddoouubbllee letters.

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Your welcome. Now I can resub. Money talks, bs walks.

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Can’t wait to not see this guy in STV.


Anyway, we started a Maladath discord here:

I’ve seen other links so maybe join both and see what takes off and we can merge them. Lets make Maladath a good vibes bastion for all.


With just 1 server it might have actually been the 50/50 split everyone wants, but with 2 servers it’s very highly likely both are gonna be 1 side dominant and will be like every other server.


I am still rolling pvp as ally but glad that the pve pop got a server, enjoy your more peaceful experience.


That’s what’s going to happen. I… don’t even want to roll PvP now. I just know it’s gonna be mono faction with the underdog faction fleeing to the other PvE realm. I’ll save my money.

The PVP server is going to be stacked alliance for racials within weeks, it would have just been worse if you kept us carebears roped in with you

Honestly if the PVE folks are just rolling what they like, like I think they will as more casual players, it has just as good a chance of being balanced

There are lots of ally pvp players people just dooming for no reason its not like getting more people who wont pvp will change faction balance.

Lmao, someone was just arguing it would be the other way around. Not sure which forum experts to listen to.

this is exactly why I didn’t want them to make another server.
FFS It could’ve been 1 fresh pve realm and I would’ve been equally happy.
But now people will have a way to one faction each server. disgusting af


Will do! :blush:

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Just wanted to add to the pile that I’m very happy for a PvE option for Fresh, thank you for the update!