Which seems to only make up about 20% of the Classic playerbase. This doesn’t “murder” fresh server idea. It’s just a rude move to the PvE players who reasonably assumed there would be a PvE server.
I think this should have been announced weeks ago, but I still think it’s the right move overall.
If they don’t add a PvE server, I’m sure a lot won’t even be around to care.
It’s an extremely sloppy announcement. Not even saying the area it’s going to be located in, only making 1 server and making it PVP is a bad idea (the comments in this thread alone show there is a huge audience for PVE anyways). They could have easily made 1 PVP and PVE server. 1 could be in West, 1 could be in East.
This is honestly a disgrace on their part.
World PVP sucks and is exclusively for sociopaths, enjoy your awful hellhole server. I’m just mad I spent the last two weeks not grinding on a real server because I was just going to start fresh.
The number of posters on this thread do not show a “huge audience.” There are currently 469 posts at time of posting and many of them are in support of the decision. I just don’t think hyperbolic rhetoric is helping your case is all.
Personally, I think only one server is a smart move and making it PvP is the right choice. That being said, the announcement (both in its language and timing) was very poor. If I had wanted to go on a PvE server I would be furious right now since I took some time off for prepatch and expansion.
Blizzard should have announced this weeks ago. But ultimately, I think it’s a good move.
I notice a lot of people mad only 1 PvP realm, and while I understand why the biggest hurdle for me against PvP realms is the high level ganking. Which, Fresh won’t have since everyone’s at 1, sure there’ll probably be people faster at levelling than you but you’re not gonna have bored 70’s with nothing better to do with their time go to Westfall and kill all the lowbies just trying to quest.
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Yeah, I honestly doubt there will be a whole lot of WPvP for the first 6 weeks of prepatch → Wrath launch. We’re all going to be too busy and WPvP isn’t rewarded enough to be worth the time investment.
Going by the likes on the people asking for PVE nearing up to 100 shows this. This is similar to the RDF topic where you see the blue post get near 400+ likes and the people screaming they are happy with no RDF get barely 20-30.
This is what I am going by and it’s an easy way than any to show there are people who want PVE servers. To ignore this is kinda silly.
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To ignore this is just a stupid business move
to ignore this is actually the smartest move, well played blizzard!.
Everybody knows pve servers are the least attractive ones, it’s a matter of checking ironforge demos
I really don’t think that’s a valid extrapolation. I totally understand your frustration and I 100% validate the way you feel. That being said, I think you’re drawing conclusions based on assumptions.
Check out ironforge.pro and look at the population breakdowns.
Is this a West Coast or East Coast server?
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We don’t know yet, unfortunately. Typical Blizzard giving basically zero information in a reasonable format or timeframe. Hopefully you fall in the vast majority of players who only see a 15ish MS difference when playing on the other coast server.
Agreed. I’ve been on pservers with 600 people and had a great time.
There are 9 Normal and 7 PvP TBC servers in NA. 1 Normal and 1 RPPvP in Oceanic. There is a big difference in mind sets on a PvP vs a PvE server. So one of each makes more sense to me. I’m not sure why they would think Fresh players only want PvP maybe because of Pservers were always PvP?? I think the right thing is one of each type.
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My sweet summer child.
If you’re not at the front of the leveling pack where folks generally see PvP as a waste of time on their hardcore rush-to-levelcap journey, you’re right. You won’t see PvP in Westfall because alliance are protected in Westfall. They start getting flagged in Duskwood, but usually nobody but stealth classes bother to gank up there and will wait for you in STV.
Usually what I ended up doing in protected zones was just wiping out all the quest mobs and flight masters so people wouldn’t be able to turn in their quests.
I mean, could I be underestimating peoples’ ability to escape corpse camping and killing off quest givers via layering? Maybe, I haven’t really played on a PvP server with layering. All I know it was absolutely a thing during original launches for people to get a jumpstart in levels just to gank the people behind them.
Fresh needs only one big server, but to have no pve option is really a slap in the face to many players.
I know people hate retail, but this might have been a good opportunity to port over “war mode” to only this one wrath server. That way everyone is happy and you don’t split the players between more servers than they need.
I only play on PVP servers, and even I can’t believe they’re not going to offer an alternative.