New Fresh Start Realms Available with Pre-expansion Patch

The ad hominem straw man schtoyle is not strong. Do not pollute good arguments by adding bad ones. Rhetoric is multiplicative, not additive.

Do they want to incinerate puppies and kittens and cackle as they force school children to watch?!

Obviously not. Think before you toss out weak sauce like that.

What about PvE


Only one server is extremely bad because those who play on a PvE server don’t even have a chance to play on the server their faction is majority to decrease the chances of wpvp, please Blizzard give us more options.


Same here.

Guilds looking for PvE on discord, reddits. Many PvE players quit cause of item inflation and contact getting old. Many were planning to return and start fresh


I think they might be aboard Voyager 1.

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We’ll see… everyone acts like they’re Nostradamus and know how it will play out. The fact is we don’t. We’ll see how it goes.
People sometimes say they want one thing then change their minds. Plus sampling from forum posts is not representative so it’s hard to tell. “I would say about 40-45% wanted fresh PvE”
Blizz has better access to data than any of us so they have the tools to make a good decision. Doesn’t mean they will though :wink:

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I was one of those players. I planned on starting fresh and refuse to play on PVP servers. It’s just not fun for me. I don’t want my play time to be limited by having to avoid the other faction.


weirdo posting.

That’s a fairly gut hunch/subjective sort of outlook. While sure, it’s possible, and I don’t suspect that the data we have available paints a complete picture, the numbers that we do have and can see don’t seem to support 40-45%.

Blizzard, who obviously have more insight into these things, deciding to offer only 1 fresh PVP server may be an indication as well.

Exactly. PvPers tend to stay active longer cause once a lot of PvEs clear the content on farm they stop playing. Hence why PvP numbers are higher. But there was a big group coming for PvE fresh with no bot gold problems or GKDP gold inflation

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lol you think Blizzard is using any kind of data to make good decisions. The reason they waited till now to announce this is because they wanted to milk every last sub dollar they could out of us before we unsubbed.


You are really trusting blizzard? They are showing you they have no idea what they are doing

You do realize that interacting with the other faction IS the game right? The game is WORLD of WAR craft. its a story about two factions fighting against each other. This is LITERALLY the game. How moronic are some of you people…

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No interest in a carebear server - but this is no bueno.

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I don’t stop playing. The communities I have always played in didn’t stop playing. Just because theres only 3k people on a server does not make it dead. In fact thats the pops we had back in the day. Too many people these days think the server is dead if theres less than 10k all the while complaining about AH prices because there’s not enough resources in the world to go around.

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yep its a game about a world that has warcraft in it. some play for the world… some play for the war. this is true.


Except if that were the case then why add PVE content in at all? Why are the horde and alliance working together at the wrathgate? You’re just wrong.


People really be pretending to play on a “pvp” server when it’s 99% one faction dominated then mock people for wanting to play on a pve server.


weirdo posting once again.