New, FRESH Classic servers please

Everyone talks about GDKP runs and they literally don’t exist on my server. Sometimes youll see a spam for one but its like once a week.

I see them all the time on mine (Arugal) all of the raids have a GDKP being run for it. Which surprises me since while Grobbulus has an estminated 2k less people than Arugal it’s still 6k people.

I’d have expected roughly the same things happens across servers with 5k+ pop so it’s surprising to hear that isn’t the case.

Also if you’re wondering how i knew what server you’re from it tells you when you reply

It’s likely because were an RP-Pvp server. I mean GDKP’s happen but they never gained a whole ton of traction on the realm. Most of our pugs are SR raids.

I might actually make an alt on a PvP server if it were fresh.

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Same here!

Ahh, the necro-and-delete-post technique.

The hell is a tauren paladin? Is he hacking?

When tbc drops, having 1 or two fresh classic only servers drop at Same time would be sooo POG. I know a ton of people dying for Fresh Classic again. ;p

From what the rumor mills are saying, every server bumps to TBC with transfers TO a Classic forever reset server.