New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

made up and false claim. They are not comming into WoW forums.

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I was referring to the Btag advocators if you must know though the statement could easily be misconstrued multiple ways.


no it actually hasn’t.

if btags were coming to the forums, all the pro-btag threads wouldn’t be promptly removed


They don’t own the forum software. It has limitations that they can’t always overcome. Which means anonymous posting is right out the window.

Dude, I just told you they were being worked on. Complete overhaul with the next expansion.


She’s posting on a account she doesn’t play on at all. :rofl:

The sock puppet theater needs some new material.

Ya know, it would be cool if they added themes, too :eyes: Make it all shiny and new.

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I got my wife a t-shirt that says “A turtle has made it the water!”

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this is notr true. Unless you can provide link?

There’s nothing to misconstrue. If you don’t apply the statement to yourself then you’re a hypocrite, because as nonsensical as they may be, nobody could misinterpret your posts in the other thread as anything but you thinking you know what’s best for the forums.


Lol, that’s not how thread removal works.

I don’t know…but my btag is Fairlight#1833, which makes it pretty similar to my main (and largely only toon I play on wow :D)


Jesus dude, I said my uncle works for Blizzard. Keep up.


One can not lose what one does not have

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As is the basis that Btags is the update coming for the forums from Vrak, even though he makes no mention of it.

Why should anyone be accountable to their own statements when pro-supporters haven’t been this whole time?


Just like High Elves are going to the Alliance as a playable race.

There is a we…just have to read back a bit more. She’s not talking about b-tags

i doubt that.

But did he mentioned anonymous posting too?

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Woah, woah, lets not go to that one.