New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

here is a definition of advertise:

describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance.

you have drawn attention to your twitter account by posting the URL on a public forum (also known as a public medium in the definition) to promote people attending or viewing your twitter account pages.

based on the definition of advertise, you are definitely advertising your twitter account here.

Those are the logical results of allowing for anonymity. Also, these sock puppets are getting pretty stale and are further proof that anonymity would be an utter failure since people are already capable of hiding behind alts and making things worse for everyone else by pretending to be separate people.


They’ve been arguing for it for so long that they can’t see any other solution but theirs.

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Wouldn’t surprise me if they were all the same person pretending to be multiple different people :dracthyr_shrug:


that’s against CoC.

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That’s such a vague interpretation that the very existence of a twitter account could be seen as advertisement.


Showing a definition doesn’t mean you actually understand it.

Showing proof, isn’t advertisement. End of.

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i said what i said, while you rephrasing in your own words with a different meaning

Or when someone starts an argument with themselves to get the ball rolling. Anon won’t help that, in fact would probably increase it.


Oh I can come to compromises as long as A i can ignore someone and not talk to rhem ever again

And B… cut down on trolling. If there was a way for Anon posting to potentially work to do either of the above then maybe…

But the lizard in here earlier said that IRL threats a person just scroll by which dont work for me.


if you merely wanted to show proof, you could just link to the their forum posts here, no need to advertise your twitter and get yourself personal gain for it.

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Lmao, linking twitter post on the forums are actually not against the Forum Code of Conduct, as long is what is being linked is relevant to the topic itself.


Really? where they said that?

Its way up there im on mobile let me find it

Now that you mention it, that does make me realize something. Battle tag and Anonymous posting are the same thing, your battle tag doesn’t have achievements or an Armory or pets or anything that can really be linked, can’t be spoofed, and is both unique and more or less nonsensical gibberish to everyone else.

Because we know if they did implement an Anonymous post, you’d still have an identifying random number at the end so you would be ‘anonymous’ but you won’t be able to pretend to be multiple people.


no one is forcing you to read the post, you can always scroll past it and not read it.

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Nah, I want to ignore the person, and have every right to have the person on ignore. This is why anonymous posting should never happen too.


The main benefit of a BattleTag is that it prevents sock puppeting. And if we had that, this thread would lose a large chunk of the “people” posting in it.


ignore basically means you are scrolling past their post, so just scroll past the post yourself.

that player rephrased my quote on purpose with different meaning. Well is doing this daily. violating CoC.

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