New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

Other blizzard forums already have B tag. WoW needs to convert already and muck out the bad actors


which are? Because most popular ones, WoW, Hearthstone and Overwatch 2 do not have this function you are speaking of.

I just went to the Overwatch 2 forums and they use battle tag.

It’s the little name you make when you create a bnet account. Dragula is mine for example.


The couple of in-game emails I’ve gotten were dealt with by reporting, ignoring, and moving on.

I once got a regular email from somebody who did a reverse image search on something I’d posted both here, and on my work website. That was my own stupidity that anonymous posting wouldn’t have solved.

Trolling is bad enough as it is. Battletags are the way to go, not anonymity.


Uhh yes they do? OW certainly does.


Also I don’t have OW2 but it lets me sign in there and reply to people
 that’s interesting.

you guys realize account wide ignore accomplishes the same thing since their account is tied to classic. and with im muting this soon to be dumpster fire thread.

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holy cow that’s beyond unacceptable.


Oh I would be furious if that happened and would warn my work asap.

That’s absolutely nuts and I’m sorry that happened. /hug

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Taught me a lesson. I really should have known better. (It was years ago, so not a current problem)

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Sums up my opinion. I hate how each character is their own posting account on the forums.


Nah, need less privacy. Should have btags or primary char name.

Tired of having to skim over all the bad faith and/or troll posting done by anonymous throwaway classic alts.


This honestly would change about nothing for me personally if it was btag. I just like using Padgarre though.

You know this actually won’t accomplish that. Because people can then use it to abuse the system to troll the forums, and cause more unrest within the forums. You know what can’t be abused though?



You’d still have people making anonymous accounts just to post on because apparently that’s a thing but it’d reduce the amount by quite a bit. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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I mean, hey, people can do what ever they want, in the end, it isn’t my money they are wasting.


I am very frustrated by it and have been for years! It causes all sort of issues for posters because changing a char name, transferring servers, and of course switching chars re-sets their post history, trust level, and everything else to zero. It also lets people switch chars and sock puppet easily which just creates drama. I really want:

  • One posting account - Battletag level like the rest of the Blizzard forums.
  • One set of flags and likes for the Bnet account, not separate ones for each of the unlimited characters people can have.
  • One trust level at the Bnet level like the other forums, not resetting every time someone changes names, servers, or characters.
  • One post history/post count like the other forums
  • One Bnet account level Ignore like the other forums.
  • Avatar being any char we want to select to show our transmogs and such
  • One free Btag change for anyone who does not have one left, so they can select something they are comfy with and that does not violate the Code of Conduct.

Of course they do and it is very easy to verify. Every single other Blizzard forum you post using your Battletag that you selected for your account. There are no other options.

Only the WoW forums has the character-server format instead of Battletag names. Just like other game companies use a gamer tag name that applies to the account with that game company.

Either you don’t know what a Battletag is, or you are just blatantly making a false statement on purpose.


Only the World of Warcraft forums does not show our BattleTags within the forums. Every other Blizzard own forums does use the BattleTags to post from the forums.

You can’t tell me my BattleTag isn’t Saracalia, despite my BattleTag is Saracalia#1520


The only time someone reached out to me I think was during BFA, I was proudly showing off my ugly Orc mog on the forums. They logged into just DM that my mog was ugly and never talked to me again :rofl: hope one day I’ll get fan mail :pray:

You could still post on your forum mage if they just added the battletags to all that lovely space under the character picture. This way people could use different characters but other forum goers would still know who they are posting to. That is the main thing that keeps me from posting on my other characters.