New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

Yes, because people are always way more responsible, kinder, and considerate of others with expressing their opinions on the internet when they’re anonymous…


I’m not going to stalk anyone just to prove a point.

Though it seems their encouragement of it shows a degree of spiteful recklessness on their part.


Any follow up?

Or safe to say you were just making things up?

I withdraw my request to “stalk” me. Just outline how everyone could potentially track me if they know my btag.

Which is Akston#1343


people already do this on classic alts all the time and or ppl make 2nd accounts

I think I’m done talking since the suggestion was already made for me to do so.

This is being blown out proportion…as always.

bc he doesnt want btags? lol see this is why these topics get blasted
edit: i wanna thank u actually for making me laugh so hard i had wheezed.

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I disagree with that, I think it shows that they are confident that you couldn’t stalk them just by having their btag. Because you really can’t unless they accept a friend request from you.

But that’s all I’m really gonna say on this topic to you because like a few others here, I’ve already seen this rerun and have no interest in participating in this circular conversation again. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thank you for conceding that you cant give a single example on how a person on the forums can use btags to track someone.

I appreciate your attempt at spreading misinformation.

As always, when pressed on this topic. You will drop the conversation.


See, the problem with that is that anonymity makes people believe they have the right to say and do whatever they want without consequences.

Plus, it’s an online forum. No one knows who you are. If you want to be even more anonymous, post on a character no one knows, on a separate account that you don’t use.

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When posters are openly looking to get me perma banned then I’m not interested in continuing to talk.

This is no longer a discussion I feel comfortable speaking on.

How am I openly looking to get you perma banned by asking you to expand on your own statements?

Now you are trying to play the victim because…

This conversation always goes the same way.

You make wildly inaccurate statements. When people press you to explain how those would actually work…you stop responding to the conversation.

You make wild accusations like this.


but this idea would make our forums so much better… everyone should just have the name “anonymous user” next to their posts.

If it could be accepted that posters don’t want account wide ignores without being branded this or that then we wouldn’t have reached this point.



Can you expand on what this has to do with anything?


After reading most of the thread, I too support the use of btags! Hold people accountable for their actions and words!


Me too! Here is mine, feel free to add me everyone c: Vongola#1794 Let’s be friends~!


Catfishing attempt.

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Ard, why don’t you be truthful and just admit that you’re against BTags or Account wide ignores because it removes your abilities to bypass ignores or to like your own post.


Because it wouldn’t be the truth.

Its just what you want to believe.

Except you never give any actual example on how btags on the forums can make it easier to track someone.


I did explain it in previous posts if you want to look around.

Not here though, as I am no longer comfortable to do so.