New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

I think this thread shows the varying degrees of politeness. It’s has good as ìt will get regardless of posting anonymously.

Oh i got these waffle makers off amazon that work really well. I love them.

I don’t want to use my likes up, almost none left.

But I like your post!

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You are being rude wanting everyone just to agree with you.


well they are not happening. Have a nice day.

The fact we have to ration our likes is the REAL problem on these forums.


Oh but you think you have the right to be rude towards others, calling people stalkers and what not? Don’t like the taste of your own medicine huh


i never said that, it is your made up story.

At this point, I’m convinced that someone set up Chat GBT with a forum account and gave them the prompt “why anonymous posting is good” before letting them on the loose.

I agree, I’m wasting space on this thread liking you since I can’t use likes ATM.

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(Inbound random groggy-morning musings)

Do you consider Nelfas to be an anonymous posting medium?

Would anonymity strictly be posting under no avatar, and an “anonymous” handle?

I would imagine any other way, any way that had anything unique (such as forum avatar or handle) would then become identifiable. However, if there are no identifiable marks, I feel that makes the forum just about information and ideas, and less about community because anonymity would prevent us from identifying those we “talk” (on the forum) too.

In that way, anonymity becomes like sweet sounds in a forest made by things we will never know.

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The BTag could be implemented with an option to also display your character. So you could still post with other characters. You just wouldn’t be able to hide behind them since they’d all be tied to the same BTag.

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10000% I hate running out of likes when people are posting such great content D:


The druidess speaks facts

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anonymous posting would change your name realm lvl and profile. You could still report ignore like we can do now.

That is more or less what I would suggest, our characters are already linked to our BTag, all it really needs is that back-end connection so that ignore flags on one character applies to all characters of that BTag and bam, done.

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I don’t, it’s obvious who this sock puppet belongs to.

No matter if they post under the name of Anonymous or another name, we can still see who they are.


They’re never going to do this…

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Make :blue_heart:’s free again should be it’s own thread. Address this travesty and let us give our fellow posters stickers to the sky!