New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

It’s not false flagging. I believe you are a troll. Your repeated responses fit the criteria for trolling. I’m doing my part as a community member in reporting you. Blizzard can decide if the reports have merit.


so literally no mention about "implementing btags as btaggers claims?

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He literally says that they are “looking into updates that should prevent alt abuse”


thank you for sharing. I disagree and many others.

Oh no, Anyways.

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Can we get account wide ignore?


can you please explain this?

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I’m here battery died.

I got most of the mowing done.


I miss cogshanks.

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I wouldn’t really describe it as “many others”

More like, a couple (and an alt)

Ooo that one. I didn’t know it was about btags, just the ignore. Thank you.

How? or why? Some people have obvious tones of voice and speaking that I’d recognize, but how else?

Yes. Why do you care if someone else can see what sections of blizzard’s property you have a limited, non-transferrable license to use?


flagged, possible will be removed for trolling, because OP gained likes then changed topic details. Which is rude.

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No as i’ve said, blizzard doesn’t like multi threads for the same topic. Get a clue.

I don’t mind if that happened, but in game?

there was no other btag thead, that thread you linked was an account wide ignore thread.

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hands weed eater

Get to it! Daylights burning!

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Taking a literal impression of the CoC: that thread is fine (as it’s been restored multiple times, and pre-dates this one by several months), this thread on the same topic should be classified as spam.


The “people” asking earlier have already been linked that same post. They’ve seen it. They just conveniently forgot. They like to tell other people to go digging through thousands of posts in the account wide ignore thread, but won’t do the same. It’s easier to pretend they never saw it.