New flanking strike is bad

just bad design to force us into melee range.

there are many times when its beneficial to stay range, especially in pvp.

Now this either forces you into melee when you werent ready.

Couple this with the LOSS OF A NICE RDPS SKILL IN CHAKRAM, and its a bad move for SV.


Agreed, forced movement is bad, even if it is predictable it can be a pain to keep track of it without an addon.
Maybe remove the leap on Flanking Strike and make it reset the Harpoon cooldown instead?

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Maybe its my bad, but I thought SV Hunter is a melee spec, so range spells should be the exception, not the rule!


Imagine you have a 50 yard range ability, but every 4th cast it becomes a 35 yard range ability. Oh and you need to press it to generate your resource. Oh and it will leap you towards the target in very inconsistent landing points depending on the boss size whether you want to or not.

Want to use aspect of the eagle? a dedicated ability that gives you ranged attacks for the next 15 seconds? too bad, you’re going back in melee because you need to get focus.

I always thought it was a hybrid melee/ranged spec because we have multiple ranged spells. That’s definitely how I’ve been playing my Survival Hunter atleast in WPvP.

It’s as hybrid as Ret/Enh/Unholy tbf

There is a feedback thread for this.


the diff with ret though is that all his skills are zoning type dps skills.

flanking is different-- it puts you right up in the face of the target.

lord knows how many times ive inadvertaly jumped into 1 shot AE spell.

right, I’m just saying SV isn’t like a special “hybrid”

I mean, we have more ranged abilities than we do melee abilities as a Survival Hunter, and one of our spells turns our main focus spending melee ability into a ranged for 15 seconds lol

okay? do you think that doesn’t apply to enhancement or ret lol. that’s not special. sv is a melee spec :dracthyr_shrug:

I don’t think it does, no. Agree to disagree I guess.

go look at the range of rets abilities and get back to me, it’s not really something that one can disagree with?

hammer of wrath - 30y, judgement 30y, blade of justice 15y, divine storm 20y projectile…

ret has two-three obligate melee abilities, same with enhancement, same with survival

I mean I can possibly see the case with Shaman dont get me wrong, but calling the wheelchair spec that needs to be in melee range to deal heavy damage on someone? Survival beats Paladin at ranged damage and to try to put Paladin in the same category is just wrong lol.

I know this next part is meme thing to do in PvP, but its completely possible for Survival to go pure ranged and even use a bow. Can Steady Shot, Arcane Shot, etc. and still use most of our abilities.

Yes, I do think compared to the melee specs, Survival has a special place when it comes to being called a hybrid ranged/melee spec.

if you can look at ret’s kit and think it HAS to have 100% melee uptime more than SV does you’re just disagreeing to disagree. this is not a productive conversation and I won’t be continuing


I said to deal heavy damage on someone. But I already said before, agree to disagree man. You never had to continue to begin with.

Okay, then I would stay mostly in 35 yds range. What exactly are you trying to say?

Like I said, I want to stay in 35 yds range, issue solved!

Which was and is the issue to begin with! It is a melee spec with too many range abilities!

The leap isn’t the issue.
It’s the nature of it being rotationally tied to an ability we use to kite/generate, and not being able to directly control when we’d want to use Flanking Strike. Being in melee is fine. It’s mostly it being a passive button that requires you to use KC three times before you can even use it.

It was much better as an active ability spender that generated TotS stacks and had it’s cooldown reduced by Wild Strikes.
This newest iteration is trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist. No one asked for this poor man’s KC rendition of Flanking Strike.


The survival changes this patch felt like a huge step back for the spec. I was excited for the spec prior to this round of changes. Overall the complexity of spec went down signifigantly so much that is feels like DH level of class design. Complexity was part of what i liked about spec, Managing Dots, Managing Focus and Mongoose bite… Now it just feels like Auto Pilot. Flanking strike just becoming improved Kill Command feels like the wrong direction.

Survival already had least amount of buttons of the hunters specs why are we making it have even less? It feels like there is hardly a rotation now.


Yep, when I first read this Flanking Strike change I was thinking “well, I’m never going to use that” since having control of your position is far more important than anything else.

Loss of chakrams is disappointing. Also, spearhead is no longer a gap closer for the SV player as it only works for pet. Bad change.