New flanking strike is bad

Keep trying to pound that square peg into the round hole.

I agree with everything you’ve (Life) said. The previous flanking strike (before this build) felt much better to use. It now feels like I have too few rotational abilities to use with the other pruning, and the leap issue makes it feel worse to play.

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Chakram wasn’t that great. I agree with everything else you said though.

Aspect of the Eagle is a thing and Surv is a hybrid of both range and melee making it very unique. Being forced to use an ability that brings you back into melee when you have Harpoon to do that is a bad design. The iteration of last week of Flanking Strike was great.


Any kind of boss mechanic where you don’t want to stand in fire?

PVP? There are tons of reasons why I wouldn’t want to be forced into melee outside my control while doing my rotation.

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That is just how you want it to be. When a spec gets the advantages of being a melee but also of being a range, the spec has some solid balancing issues.

The same happend to ret. He is more a range now than a melee, so he should actually need to hard cast some of his stuff imo, to fix those balancing issues!

I don’t know what you’re trying to say here? It’s targeted by melee mechanics, it required a melee weapon, half of your kit charges you into melee range.

You’re thinking of BM, actually.

Yeah let me use Kill Command when I’m trying to spread bleeds around but I cant because I might get sent over something bad or into a smash that’ll kill me so I’m screwed and can’t get focus now. Now you see how stupid that can be? This is just one situation. The abilities needs to be separate again.

SV doesn’t require a melee weapon to play, some abilities require a melee weapon but there is always weapon swapping if you want to go that way. However, survival can currently do a significant amount of damage from ranged and has the flexibility to move in and out of range depending on the circumstances.

Calling it a pure melee spec is just wrong.

yes, just like ret, and enhancement, and unholy. yet they are all considered melee hmm

UHDK has been very similar to SV for quite awhile now with respect to how it can do damage from melee and range. Ret and the elementalist build of enhancement doing any significant damage from range is more recent. Other than UHDK, they don’t put out the same damage from long range as SV can, however.

I would not classify UHDK, enhancement shaman (elem build) or ret as pure melee either.

Yea, I didn’t mind the previous flanking strike. It wasn’t that bloated of a spec with it. They should have just left it.

Conceptually I love the idea of a spell turning into another spell.
It helps with bloat but keeps things fresh.

The issue is the utility component of the spell becomes awkward to use. In this case a lunge. Withering Arrow has a similar issue with the silence just kind of being there. If it actually silences something it’ll mostly be pure coincidence.

But more importantly if a spell replaces another spell it needs to be superior to the base spell in all scenarios. In this case losing 25 yards on its range is a huge nerf. There are scenarios where you’d just want KC but are stuck with Flanking Strike.

sv in no way has the least amount of buttons to press, and is in no way as simple as a DH.

BM is the easiest of the hunter specs to play, and sv is the hardest.

The issue with SV has been that the class defensives have been bad coupled with its poor heal skills, made it very unforgiving in melee.

This is why in pvp many sv hunter use range alot and only jump in on gos or if they are forced to.

This passive flanking shot messes up that rotation.

I much rather see kill command turn into death chakram then back to kill command; rather than turning into flanking shot and back

Well look at that, we agree on something. Yeah, this is an awful change done to fix an imaginary issue. FS isn’t “bloat” and we should have full control over when we choose to enter melee range.

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Correct, Survival is not nearly as difficult to play effectively as Havoc is. Either on Retail or on the Beta.

For every class I Setup 4 Bars, that are pre key bound. Beta survival currently doesn’t even fill 3. Actively their rotation is about 5 buttons… I would put that in DH level of engagement.

There is big difference between too many buttons and Actively engaging and smooth Flow.

Survival Suffered more from the Kit didnt flow perfectly and their talent trees were crazy bad. It was less about there being too many buttons. Every button that was removed felt incredibly valuable to the core identity of the kit.

I agree hunter defensives were is such a bad state in dragonflight that i refused to invite them to groups. On top of their Class buff being the worst class buff.

I would rather see them restore death chakram to the Survival tree and cut Spearhead. since that button is severely uninteresting.

I do think if they want to down this route of pruning they need to look at survival resources and discuss the identy of the spec. Currently there is nothing exciting to manage within the spec. Its just button spammer.

I would love to see it lean back into Dots. I understand if mongoose fury has to go but please create something that makes spamming mongoose feel good. This playstyle of mongoose kc rotate back and forth isnt a very engaging playstyle.