New flagellation changes!

How it is comparing number wise with Shadowstrike and Eviscerate? I mean, I can see the percentages but after all the caculations, those it have any kind of “weight” on each strike?

On my Venthyr Rogue on the PTR:
Shadowstrike is 1570 before armor
Eviscerate is 2243 before armor (+1121 shadow)
Flagellation is 899 + 180/finisher. It should be 180 per combo point. But, that’s bugged, I think. Unless the tooltip text is lying.

So, as is, you’d need to use 4 finishers for it to do as much as a Shadowstrike. It doesn’t generate combo points, but does give haste. So, they might reword the text to not say each combo point spent and have the haste be the big benefit. Even though you only get 24s total.
Or, they make it 180 per CP and you’ll get an extra 900 damage per finisher. Which, would make it decent, I think. Not sure if it will still be as good as Sepsis or Echoing Reprimand, though. Since those just do so much more damage. Especially since, as combo point generators, they benefit from Shadow Blades. And Sepsis does also benefit from Shiv.

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Do you even play your Rogue?

Honestly I spend the most time on him doing derp content and farming gold

Sub is an amazing spec for skinning

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They fixed the bugs with it. It’s actually doing the combo point damage properly, the 4 lashes from the conduit works, and the haste problem was fixed, too. Overall, it seems really strong damage-wise with the conduit. I feel like it might get nerfed in PVP since with the conduit, the Flagellation hit was hitting for more than the shadow damage part of Eviscerate. It’s basically like hit your target for a bunch of damage then boost your Eviscerate damage by 50%.

E: Thinking about it more. It probably wont replace Echoing Reprimand, though. Since, it doesn’t generate combo points. You can’t really gib people in the opener with it. Unless you have combo points left over from a previous fight. But, it definitely could be very good for mid-fight burst with Shadow Dance.


Im not a fan of the Revendreth Rogue skills, that said after watching PShero on youtube last week, Necro could be a sleeper if played right


IMO it should generate at least a combo point.

Also, I would like to see it’s power shifted to the first application of the spell so it’s a bit more viable in PvP, and reduced the subsequent damage accordingly so it’s being the same damage dealt for the duration of the buff in PvE but with a bit more weight at first in PvP.

It does need to generate combo point probably since it’s the only rogue covenant ability not currently generating a combo point.


I’m ok not getting a CP as long as they keep it off the GCD.


I’m okay with either off the GCD, one CP, or a longer duration for the buff.

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I doubt they’ll take it off the GCD. That would be so much power. Imagine a Subtlety Rogue opening ShS-ShS-Flag-Evis-MFD-Evis with those Eviscerates also getting the extra Flag hits in the Master Assassin window. Oh boy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Kinda curious but I wanna meme on this on outlaw with tons of haste and Dreadblades + AR

New Flagellation looking better for PVE but time will tell how the final numbers look when pushed to live!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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It’s in a pretty good spot at the moment, only 14 DPS behind Niya on ST for Assassination at least.

I’m hoping they buff the Covenants across the board because ours are very weak compared to every class at the moment. Doesn’t feel good pressing a button that does a little more damage than your finisher. I love the Venthyr cosmetics so I hope It’s viable for next raid, It gives haste as well which is always a fun secondary stat.


Wish i could say the same, but man those shoulders are STUPID on Worgen.

So how’s Flagellation looking at the moment on the PTR for PvP for 9.0.5?

Well been hearing that apparently is one of the best Rogue Covenant abilities now, if not the best.

But falls a bit when AOE is included.

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Welp after venturing into ptr and being disappointed to see that I can’t insta boot up my renown I decided bite the bullet and do some math.

On ptr my Flagelattion single lash hit for 4.6k without deeper daggers or the flagellation conduit. Said conduit makes us do 5 lashes when we press the spell, and they do 70% more dmg (at 200 ilvl). According to my math, each lash will hit for 7923.7, remember we have 5 lashes… So added up all 5 lashes will do 31-32k dmg (not even accounting for deeper daggers lol).

So to some up my findings I don’t think it will stay like this, this will legit be echo 2.0.

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The lashes don’t do as much. They do 1/5th the damage of the initial hit. So, if your initial hit did 4.6k, the lashes would hit for 920 each. So, that’d be an extra 3680 damage. :x

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Oh lol, I think it’s still gonna be pretty good for pvp. On demand 10k burst is kinda nice.