Here’s the reply I just got from a GM.
I understand how confusing it can be when you bounce back and forth. If you would like to rejoin a Covenant, speak to the Emissary of the Covenant you’d like to rejoin in Oribos:
The Kyrian of Bastion: Polemarch Adestres
The Necrolords of Maldraxxus: Baroness Draka
The Night Fae of Ardenweald: Lady Moonbery
The Venthyr of Revendreth: General Draven
You’ll need to prove yourself to that Covenant again by completing a weekly questchain starting with Prove Your Worth. These weekly quests must be completed to officially leave your current Covenant.
Please note that you have to finish proving yourself to one Covenant before you can start proving yourself to another, in case you change your mind again.
Hint: In case you were unable to accept the quest Prove Your Worth due to a full quest log please make some space and talk to the NPC again.
*All Covenant specific benefits of the current Covenant will be lost when joining a different Covenant as they do not convert. Renown does not transfer to your new Covenant, but as you’re returning to one you will continue gaining Renown from where you previously left off with them.
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In that reply they said “these weekly quests.”
Which gives me hope that tomorrow after reset the new prove you’re worth will be available.
I did ask for more clarification and am waiting.
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Thanks so much for the heads up Tig and posting here for us
Wish I had known that the final step would essentially put any switching on cool down for the remainder of the week.
Hopefully it gives us the option tomorrow
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Bless the news Tig. Thanks for the update mate. Now we wait for tomorrow’s reset. And if our prediction is proved true, we should probably notify wowhead using comments to clarify the restrictions (or rather, the workings of switching covenants) to other players who might have encountered the same situation as us. Cheers folks. There’s hope
Game master from my tickey just gave me a link on the way it should work and in wowheads this is what it has
Gaming the System
Because you rejoin your Covenant once you turn in the Rebuild Our Trust quest, players can game the system. Completing Rebuild Our Trust but not turning in the quest right away will allow for a mid-week swap. It could be used after a difficult boss to optimize for the next boss, after your Guild’s weekly raid to swap Covenants for Mythic+ or PvP and so on. Should a player do this, they can immediately start the Prove Your Worth quest to rejoin the Covenant they just left, in order to change back before next week’s raid.
Week 1: Player is Necrolord. Completes Prove Your Worth for Kyrian to prep for next week.
Week 2: Player raids as Necrolord, then completes Rebuild Our Trust and changes to Kyrian for the rest of the week for Mythic+. Player complete Prove Your Worth to return to Necrolord next week.
Week 3: Player completes Rebuild Our Trust before Raid swapping back to Necrolord for raid. Completes Prove Your Worth for Kyrian to prep for next week.
Week 4: Player raids as Necrolord, then completes Rebuild Our Trust and changes to Kyrian for the rest of the week for Mythic+. Player complete Prove Your Worth to return to Necrolord next week.
This system does allow some flexibility, as every other week players will be able to be part of 2 Covenants swapping mid week. And just to point this out, this other week cadence does happen to line up with the cadence of Tyrannical and Fortified Mythic+ affixes, in case you really only wanted to play one of these affixes.
Which is what I cannot do. I do not have any quest for nightfae, left their covenant last tuesday.
I tried to change folder names with the word old attached, didn’t work. I have included screenshots of how it looks and still nothing.
The last portion of the ticket just says to post in the bug area in help section and that’s all they can do at that point.
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we already know this mate. best to wait for tomorrow’s reset and pick thiss back up. thanks for sharing the GM’s answer
Yeah, that is definitely NOT how it is working currently.
Prove your Worth
Rebuild our Trust
Hooray, you’re back in an old covenant again.
Want to switch again? Nope. NOTHING…NOTHING AT ALL. YOU’RE STUCK.
And Blizzard is going to make you wait 5 days before sending a completely unhelpful canned response that makes it seem like they DIDN’T EVEN READ YOUR TICKET, and hopefully get you to close your ticket so they don’t have to deal with you again.
Hey dudes. Had the exact same problem as discussed above and have literally just talked to a GM about it 5 minutes ago.
Just to confirm. I started as a Necrolord, then swapped to Kyrian, and last week decided to swap back. I did the ‘prove your worth’ quest. Waited for a week. Picked up the ‘rebuild our trust’ quest this week, completed it and handed it in. When i did it said i joined the Necrolords for a second, then snapped me back to Kyrian with no way to change. I told the GM all of this and he has confirmed that I just need to wait for reset and a quest will become available to swap covenants.
He has also informed me that sometimes the information presented on Icyveins and WowHead are not 100% accurate and just to be aware of that for future. Hope this helps guys. just wait till reset tomorrow =D
Welcome to the problem Brianhenry! Thanks for sharing the GM’s response. At least now we have confirmation that Wowhead and Blizz DOES sometime have a gap in information. Wowhead is fan service in a way anyway. The reset is about to be here. Lets hope for the quest to be back. At this point it would be an early Christmas present for me to be able to switch covenants again
Well at least now we do now that there’s a week cap on that entire quest line.
So if you complete it in that week you have to wait till the next week to restart the quest regardless of covenants. Basically two weeks to change covenants if you completed the quest line on that same week.
Wowhead needs to updated to reflect that. Especially if they keep giving players that link to refer to.
Can anyone confirm if quest starts back uo now.
maintenance is not done yet. cant even log in mate
I was able to pick up the quest to swap today.
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I am having the same issues as everyone else. I rejoined the necrolords and now I cannot start the quest to rejoin the venthir.
So from what I have gathered is that this is the intentional design of the game? To restrict players for TWO WEEKS from starting the process of rejoining a covenant after rejoining another covenant in the current week on the off chance that a select few will get just a little bit of optimization for raids/mythic +?
So from what I gather I won’t be able to start progress on the Ventir again until Dec. 22nd. What a wonderful design choice…
Having the same issue. I was Venthyr then swapped to Necrolords. Then switched back to Venthyr thinking I was going to change specs. Now I’m trying to go back to Necrolords and there’s no options when I talk to the emissary in Oribos.
what a condesinding jerk.
" I understand how confusing it can be when you bounce back and forth.
I just might walk away and skip shadow lands over this mess. I have wasted SO MUCH TIME trying to fix this stupid… Seriously I can’t say how I feel about this situation here but its beyond infuriating.
Bumping this. Would like some clarification on if this is intended and if Wowhead is incorrect.
Come on man, Blizzard needs to clarify if this is the way it works. Even so, it really, REALLY sucks that I have to wait till reset to start progressing to another covenant.