New findings on Swapping back to Old Covenants (Not on Wowhead)

Yea hopefully at next week’s reset, the covenants will give the option to rejoin again. But so far i checked a post or two, ppl say that they waited for week 2’s reset and it didnt fix this problem.o jus

Blizz just released some patch notes:

Not sure this will fix our issue, but hopefully does something toward helping.

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Still didn’t work for me, I just tried talking to the NPC again and it didn’t let me change.

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The patch notes indicated some changes would be live as of realm restart. Here’s hoping for resolution Tuesday.

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Honestly it’s pretty depressing, not being able to progress the covenant you would like, e.g. the santcum buildings, follower quests etc.

I would really hope it gets resolved before Tuesday so that I can join back the covenant I would like right after reset, otherwise it’ll have to be another reset after next week, very detrimental to progression.

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OH MAN. OH MAN. I hope this is it. It might not be. but at least the quest is addressed in next week’s reset and update. hopefully it will fix our situation. man what a joy it would be. I get to live my fantasy live as an english nobleman. Thanks @Tig for the headsup

I’m in the same boat. I tried again this am and to no avail. Still no option given.

Was hoping that hot fix would have changed it

Really hoping we can get started on this before Tuesday

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Yea It seems the hotfix on Dec 4 didnt fix this issue for me. So here’s to waiting for next week. The dream to join venthyr is still alive in me. hope you guys fare better than I do and that the fix actually fix this for us. Bump to hopefully grab the dev’s or blue’s attention

Agreed! At the very least hoping we can change upon weekly reset.

Though that’d mean we’re really two weeks behind rather than one, which is disappointing

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Realm restarts have not yet happened. Note on launcher says Monday they’re doing restarts and servers will be down for a few hours. Hopefully it means they’re patching things and possibly addressing our issue.

My support ticket is now 4 days old, still no reply.

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Man i sure hope it will fox our situation. Though if it is a time gated thing, it is very surprising that Wowhead did not report on this. And even weirder if Wowhead didnt even know about this during their beta testing

100% agreed. Wow refers to wowhead all the time and it feels like there’s been a disconnect between what was written and the actual event.

Really hoping it’s a bug that gets fixed on Monday

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The dream is still there. Only 2 days to go

Or… Blizzard decided to make things more difficult to swap between covenants. Especially since the article by wowhead clearly spelled out how to “game the system.”

Blizzard was like… hold my beer.

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Yea i thought that was a bit much from Wowhead as well. Showing game exploits that proudly cant boast well. But even then it is extremely weird if Blizzard took that personally and made the change to stop the swap by time gating and did not address it in a blue post. This is huge. So yea hope it is fixed by tomorrow or at next week’s reset

Adding more comments on the fire, Same boat can’t rejoin the covenant and a quest is stuck in my log.

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I hope tomorrow, it’ will be fixed .

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I hope so too. My support ticket is now 5 days old and the average response time has gone up to TEN DAYS.


Here’s hoping the reset will fix this. I am also in the same boat

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In the meantime I have been saving all my anima rewards in my bank till I get to rejoin Venthyr.

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