Hello. I was in the Kyrian covenant for the 1st week. I didn’t like my choice and did the Proving your Worth quest to switch to the Venthyr.Just now, in the 2nd week, I finished and handed in the Rebuilding our Trust quest to complete the switch. The on screen notification showed me the Kyrian covenant welcome note, "saying that i had just joined the Kyrian while I was still in the Kyrian covenant. Now General Draven will not talk to me.
Just to make it clearer, I handed in the “Prove Your Worth” quest in week 1 and handed in the “Rebuilt Our Trust” quest in week 2 (today) both to General Draven and the game notified me that I had just joined the Kyrian covenant (the current covenant i am trying to leave), instead of the Venthyr (the old covenant that I am trying to rejoin).
Now Both Kyrian and Venthyr representative don’t offer the Prove Your Worth quest to start the Swapping process and instead just rejecting or dismissing character.
The other covenant (Untouched Night Fae and Necrolord) function normally (can swap to).
I have the exact same issue.
Last week I was originally Kyrian Covenant. I decided to swap to Necrolord. Then I wanted to go back to Kyrian, and started the “Prove your worth” quest. I finished that quest and turned it in. Then while waiting I swapped to Venthyr to try that out.
This week I completed the “Rebuild our trust” quest with the Kyrian and rejoined the covenant.
I am interested in swapping again, but do not see the “Prove your worth” quest with either of my previous two covenants. When I talk to the NPCs that start the quest, they only have a blank dialog box, with no options to click anything.
I really hope i can find a solution soon. This “bug” is game breaking for me. But if its not a bug and instead just a timegated thing (can only swap 1 covenant per week, which i dont know if it is), i can live with it for now. Sucks that we are in this situation. I hope you can find resolutions for your character. If you eo, please share it with me. Thanks heap mate
I was wondering the same thing. Maybe it’s time gated. But the wowhead article about swapping covenants detailed the ability to immediately start a new Prove your Worth after rejoining a covenant.
But there’s no official word on if this is a bug or working as intended. I have a support ticket opened for my character, but no reply yet.
thats what i was thinking too. I checked wowhead and all the comments under each swapping quest but none had reported besides us. If you scroll down a bit more you will see a post here in the bug section about this same swapping bug but it was closed by the author. I wonder if it was fixed for that person. In the mean time i guess im going Night fae warrior is Ven and Kyr is locked out and Nec is just god awful. What about you? Hope you get your fix in the ticket answer. I got a ticket on this as well but they just gave me a generic customer support response
I got the generic response too, but if you reply your ticket goes back into a queue to be reviewed by a Game Master.
And after searching, I’m not finding many other people saying that the Prove your Worth quests are gone for them. That’s why I posted here, so others who are maybe having this same issue can know it’s not just them.
Thanks heap mate for the link. Glad to know we are not the only ones.
Bumping by comment to get more attention from those who share the same situation. Please address this issue and bring back the choice in “meaningful choices” please
I’m in the same situation. I tried all the covens but when I went to switch back the quest dropped. Now all the emissaries do is say hello and I’m stuck in the worst coven for my class.
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Poor fellas we are. I messed around with my choices and tried out the meta Kyrian for my warrior but didn’t like it better than Venthyr. I did the 2 quests to return to Venthyr. but immediately after turning in the Rebuild Our Trust, the game welcomed me to the Kyrian which is the covenant I’m trying to get away from. and Draven daddy became hostile with words to me, not even giving me the option to beg for forgiveness and come running back. sad. Tig up there is in the same state.
At this point, since my support ticket is two days old, and no reply from anybody here, I’m hoping that the article written by wowhead is wrong… and that it’s time gated at one occurrence of either “Prove your Worth” or “Rebuild Our Trust” per week.
Hoping come Tuesday we’ll see Prove your Worth available after reset.
It would have been nice to have a clearly documented process from Blizzard however, instead of a 3rd party website speculating how it works. Because this is just frustrating.
I have seen a few posts down the scroll that some guy had the same problem in week 1 (not getting the Prove Your Worth quest) and he waited till this week’s reset but it didn’t do anything for him (no quest, covenant’s representatives don’t offer him any options). soooo shjt for us is tight. but the dream that things will reset and fall back in place is still there mate. hang on to that ticket and please share with us the response
Happened to me as well, opened up a ticket. Hopefully they fix this since it hinders progress.
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To kind of keep things consolidated, here’s yet another thread of people with the same issues:
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If you get a response for a fix or just anything from the blues and devs, please share with us here. Thank you
This is going to severely impact my first raid night.
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It’s been three days now and absolutely zero responses from Blizzard.
Still experiencing the same issue.
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I’m also running into the same issue of trying to rejoin the covenant.
I had assumed from wowhead’s article that there would be an option to swap per reset, but now the quest “Proving your worth” isn’t even being given as an option
Hoping this gets resolved. I was going to submit a ticket but looks like others are also experiencing this …
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