New Explosives - 700k HP

The play will be to ignore it until they make it deadly enough to not ignore, which they will. There won’t be much a point to not update it to a form that’s irrelevant.

This is why people are just ignoring them.

Why bother wasting that burst and CDs on an orb that the healer can heal through?

Yeah this isn’t going to stay as is. The problem is compounding. You engage a pack, explosives start spawning, so you stop attacking mobs to attack bombs. Mobs live longer, they keep triggering more explosives to spawn.

It becomes much easier to ignore them and just mongo down the actual mobs so you get less explosives overall.

But just watch, their next change will be to make the explosion essentially oneshot the party.

You… you do know what you’re linking right? I feel like you might not, given you’re linking it in a “look at us on the bottom” kind of context.

Thats not damage. That’s max key completion and without any regard for frequency lmao.

Thats why every single spec between 2 and 28 is within 3 percentile.

If you want to use warcraftlogs for something (it doesn’t even measure well), you should set it to “DPS only - show going back the entire tier (or two months)”.

You will see a massive spike starting around 3/20 for ret, to relative key parity with all but the 3 dps who have completed a 29.

Then start picking specific key levels. You will see that last week Ret became one of the few specs to have completed a 28.

If Ret is doing 28’s, absolutely it is entering A tier power levels. That’s not even debatable. The only thing slowing it’s assent is going to be that A - it’s only been 1 week and B - Prot paladins are pretty dominant.

Every single +27 key with a ret paladin on raiderio was made in the past 8 days.

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I guess I could be mistaken, but I am pretty sure that most melee classes have a method of instantly dispelling it.

According to WoWHead: “However, unlike the quests that have this vine snapping mechanic, these vines can be removed by root breaking effects such as Blessing of Freedom and Druid’s Shapeshift.”

Exactly. No need for all those sentences pouring out of your mouth. Ret is still in the bottom for max keys.

So they went from worst of the worst to the best of the worst. Like I said earlier: The mere thought of Rets being equal to other classes (especially pure dps classes) is abhorrent to these people. Due to lay on hands and bubble they will not be satisfied unless Ret is dead last in performance.

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You clearly have no comprehension of what that data represents. It is not a ranking from top to bottom of who does the best in an absolute way.

The “overall - all key level” setting its literally useless and shows nothing of measurable significance, and being 2nd is literally the same as being 28th on the link you provided.

Because it is measuring max key completion, everyone in your link from Firemage in 2nd to Ret in 28th is tied. They are all “in 2nd place.”

The highest keys in the world are 29’s. Those specs are S tier. Very few specs can do these - only 3 dps have (within the scope of warcraftlogs).

The second highest keys in the world are 28’s - 17 of 25 DPS specs have ever done it. Ret got there this past week.

If you want manipulate data to show that “Ret is still garbage” or something you can use raiderio to track key completions over time, that data doesn’t exist for multiple weeks yet, but im pretty confident we’re going to see sharp spikes in Rets favor this week and every week after for the rest of April and so is everyone with 2 brain cells to rub together.

Ret is absolutely busted right now. It has some of the best ST, the best burst, by far the best survivability for a DPS, and a Brez, and can provide immunities for itself and teammates.

IDGAF if ret does crazy damage. I think the survivability ought to be more on par with other classes, but that’s not from a place of vindictiveness, it’s just common sense.

I cry anyway. It was one of my favorite afixes. Beating all my guildies in popping them was fun. I won’t be able to anymore. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

ret is good right now


At least we can get away from the healer whine threads.

Granted, at this point I have no clue what the Forum Healers actually want to do in keys. They complain when they have to do affix mechanics. They complain when they have to DPS. They complain when they have to heal.


man i was excited for the explosives to be like a target dummy for me to beat up, not monsters that just have to be healed through

I mean. 480k health in 8 seconds shouldn’t be difficult to do for people in a +20. Many shouldnt be blowing up and have to be healed through.

(The 687k got nerfed to 480k)

they chain spawn though
better to just ignore or you lose too much mob damage

watched dorkis group do it post nerf and they still werent killing them

It unironically just is now because there’s no way its worth investing 500k+ damage into an explosive orb instead of just letting it blow up

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I expect the spawn rate will be adjusted, since the health was already nerfed as well.

this and maybe a tiny extra cut to health and it will be fine

I see it as one of two ways. If it will be random, then yeah. A little more health tweaking and some decent spawn tweaking.

Or keep it chunky, but on a deliberate timer. Similar to Thundering. Allow for some pooling/timing of short CDs to burst on demand.

yeah i wouldnt mind it having 700k+ health if it spawned infrequently enough and capped at 1 at a time

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700k in a season 2 +20 would be like 350k in a season 1 +20 going by previous expansion scaling, and if your +20 season 1 group can’t do 350k in 8 seconds then you got a problem.

They already nerfed the health by 30%. The issue was that they had too much health and were barely spawning less than they do on live. The groups were spending the whole time killing orbs and the only damage going onto actual trash was cleave. Until they figured out the cast damage was lower so they just ignored all of the orbs. And this actually makes it more of a healer affix than it is on live…