New Explosives - 700k HP

it’s almost like they’re on the PTR to be… tested…

Based on the 700K health pool on the PTR and 40% of that becoming group-wide damage for letting it blow up, that would be 280K damage to all party members. That might be a bit much to ignore unless we see a drastic HP increase with the new ilvls.

I could definitely see LoS as the strategy on trash, but on boss fights that is usually not possible.

Interesting strat when Ret pallies are in the bottom 25% for M+.

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Yeah, because it’s not like dumb stuff from the PTR has ever made it live before…

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Go watch the streams. It’s how they are being played. Strats will evolve over time but at the core is the issue that the most efficient thing for the DPS to do at all times is damage the enemies that give count and the bosses. I’m talking about key levels ~18 and up here. Not even close to the top but people who are at least trying. But more importantly people that take what the top players are doing as gospel. If the best teams are just letting the explosive damage go through and healer just needs to keep people up, that’s what a lot of people will do in their mid-tier keys convinced it’s the best way for them too.


Look man, some people are sour that Ret is finally good for once in PvE since ICC, you can’t use logic and facts when you talk to them.


It’s only been a week.

There’s no way the class with incredible burst and sustained damage and sustain heals and immunities and great short cd non-immune defensives and soft cheat-death and a brez doesn’t at least end up A-tier.

The only thing they’re below average on is AOE stops.

lol yup. Rets being on equal footing with other classes makes those people lose their minds and scream and shout how Ret is OP and the sky is falling.

1 week you say?

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Wowhead has a look at them, it’s the bottom part of the article. They’re scaling health, so it’s 687k on +20.

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Thanks for the link. It’s interesting that the author makes most of the new affixes sound pretty easy, except for explosives.

yeah seeing that video made the problem with new explosive pretty clear
literally just needs to be healed through because your group will be stuck tunneling orbs for an entire pull

them chain spawning is just awful

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You can cleave off them though

when they said significantly more health i thought it just meant they’d have enough that I’d need to use more attacks to kill one instead of being a moonfire bot

not that theyd be unkillable

yeah they need to reduce the hp, increase the cast, and/or give some kind of buff for killing it.

Right now it just soaks up too many globals that it’s not worth even killing.


Looks like the devs are anchoring. Start with 3 times what they want to make it so when it’s nerfed by 2/3rds it seems like a good deal.

What was their health before, like less than 2k? I know I could usually white damage them in one global. Increase of 3500%… That might be stretching the definition of “Substantial.”

Can I have a “Substantial” buff to Ferocious Bite please?


700k isn’t that bad. If I get a lucky string of procs on my prot warrior I can drop a 140k crit shield slam. My average is something like 40k. 4-5 globals into the orb is at least 100k damage from me alone with out any crits or procs.

My rogue can easily burst 200k in ~6 seconds if I know to hold CDs for it.

My bigger complaint is that I normally do 60-80% of the orbs in my keys. It was an affix it could easily handle and vastly improve my run success rate on these weeks. Now I have to wait for the 40k dps mage to waste my keys while he tickles the orb.

And boom goes the dynamite.

Gonna be a good time when sanguine puddles drop underneath the orbs.

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The mage won’t tickle the orb. And even coming from a healer - he shouldn’t. He should be damaging the mobs. That is the crux of the issue here. They have made an affix where the best play is to ignore it fully and deal with repercussions. Just wild.

The healer affix is replacing wounds so honestly it’s just more interactive and less deadly to the players. I think the healer affix is fine.

Entanglement can die in a fire. That’s such Bs game design and I hate it. It’s going to feel so different in weeks without it and will probably really impact melee life.