New Expansions in old zones, a good idea?

SO the other day i was reading the “Grimoire of the shadowlands and BEYOND” a book with 208 pages writed, but with only 169 published. They cut Ra’zunesh lore and zone, Odyn zone and lore, Nirem-Ahn and Baraneth, and yes we never saw this zones in game. Also they change the powerful and wise look of the first Jailer concept art, for a bald thanos? Looking for the intinite stone… i mean sigils, Sigils of Eternal Ones??? Anyway my point is:

Why do not create a new expansion that fix everything wrong in lore and every bad choise that blizz make in BFA, WOD and Shadowlands? For example in SL, in the new expansion we discover that the true villan was The Primus, so he take the real form of the first Jailer concept art like we saw in the first trailer with sylvanas escaperunner? and not the bald ugly one that looks like Hugo Chavez in his last moments… oh man i cant forget his nipples in that cinematic yet… and he reveal all his master plan and he was the real master plan all this time. And at the same time we have all the Elune, quest in shadowmoon valley and all the lost concent in WOD that we never saw, etc etc,

i think this was tried once. it did not go over well.

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Blizzard haven’t really gotten the hang of the World of Warcraft part yet. Give them time. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I think wow needs a reset… I was hoping that is what WOD was going to be… then they butchered it.

Lore wise, Orcs vs Humans should be the basis for the franchise. Orcs being not generically evil but characters with depth (WC3 era) will always be the height of wow for me… where they were the misunderstood guys, savage and formidable but with a sense of honour and looking for redemption.

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OMG time travel was a mistake, first they think to do that with karazhan, was a really really reeaaaaaaally good idea, but they was naaaaaaaaahhh we are going to change it to the portal and is going to be red, why red? we dont know because green is to mainstream vile power now is red, but wait? we didnt see red fel in all the expansion, right? was green, and now i remember, we forgive the Orcs, all the destruction they made and was in the last raid, like, meh dont worry Gromash, is ok, you murder thoudands of draeneis and other races, but is ok because the demons are worst… really? REALLY blizzard??? omg… and BFA that gigant sword… they do like that never happend, and Sargeras… what a deception, we wait so many years to saw him… and he was like… a cloud and later titans just use friendship laser to beat him?.. and Nzoth, Nyalotha 1 raid? A RAID not even a little zone, no… a RAID and we beat him with a Kamehameha? sh…

I enjoyed some of what they did in BfA with old zones. Especially the rare theme parks of Dark Shore and Arathi Highlands.

They were good for gear early on and the pet farming drop rate was pretty well balanced to make farming them for pets fun.

Not sure why or what the special sauce is that makes them feel better than Forbiden Reach or Zarlex Caverns.

The corruption zones weren’t that bad either.

But I don’t think they could pull off a whole expansion doing this. The time travel between versions is pretty clunky.

It was a cataclysmic attempt.


Idk how they could ever make shadowlands better at this point lol. The story was dreadful and the afterlife was way too confusing

No please, dont remember me the disapoint of Soggoth… all the especulation about old gods and the gigant sword, and HE was just a rare and not the world boss, noo. no just a simple rare… man you must be new

Or I just have a different opinion than yours.

Phasing in old zones that are being repurposed is very problematic.

sorry but i cant forget and forgive what they did to Soggoth

It wasn’t time travel as much as it was alternate universe in parallel to our own. If we went back in time but stayed in our timeline i.e WC3 in WOW… probably would have been really well received. My favourite things about DF has been the time travel stuff (the murloc timeline).

I agree it was butchered… what would have been awesome is if Wrathion was right, he needed the Iron horde to beat the legion, he needed a barbaric savage race to stand up to them, that the Alliance pacifism traits were leading to their own demise, the constant need to buttress their strength and not grow complacent and lethargic is at its core the essence of survival… those kinds of morally grey narratives are great. The botched mismatch story we got was not.

If players could have joined the Iron Horde #Garroshdidnothingwrong would of been pretty cool.

I like the fan theory that we lost that fight and he is still out there.


Honestly, we should leave the old alone,no one wishes to keep repeating the same even when it is updated for a story.

ah yes, indeed time travel can be good stufff if u do it right, but can be a mess if u do it wrong.

but there is a lot of things that dont have sense when they create the alternative time lines, they say that those lines just was created when Garrosh and the bronze dragon, travel to another time line, and then this alternative dimension just stop to exist, but then in the ally race Maghar they back in that timeline and then races from that timeline cross our portal and they are living in azeroth now, so? whaaaaat happend? blizzard just use a power that cant understand, at my point of view.

Then why is classic wow such a success? Why do people speedrun/replay games, rewatch movies, listen to the same songs… their needs to be some variety sure but its been 20 years. Since classic wow exists, I think we can completely revamp things and if needed, play the classic xpac version that you like best.

My dream for wow would be for it to be season-based classic xpacs. Accelerated progression (XP, Drops and content release - maybe even instant max level). Let players replay the bits of wow they want, keep the “retail” game moving forward… above all we need more Orcs back in the franchise too, lets get a New Hellscream warchief that isnt corrupted/evil but is extremely horde-centric and formidable… Essentially we need a Donald Trump version of of an Orc (I am Australian I don’t mean to stir up politics, I just want a personally in charge of the horde is what I mean - someone you either love or hate or love to hate).

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I don’t think going back to old zones for new max level content works. It muddys up the zones too much. You end up with too many different phazes and it just needlessly complicates story.

Now if they went back and remade all the old vanilla zones into new 1-60 leveling zones and made them xpac agnostic, then that would work. Just give them all new stories that don’t tie to any specific xpac but make the end easy to transition into any new xpac the way the new island starter zone does. That would be amazing.

mybe not for old zones, but, buuuuut maybe yes for old zones but with new content and rebooted like some zones with zidormi, or like new zones inside old map zones, like new islands or lands like uldum or Twilight Highlands, like i say before Shadowlands was incomplete, same for WOD the old lost island Farahlon, etc etc

Who’s soggoth and what did they do to it/her/him?

I was just talking about how the zones played.