New Expansions in old zones, a good idea?

In the beginning the old classic was pretty much close to the original wow,people flock to it as being just that then in middle they start to add more QoL feature some good and some not so. People play the game they wish to play ,for me it was for old time sach,to others especially now with these changes the younger player would go. Now,I don’t play the old because it’s not what i remembered of it. :pensive:

OMG,really you wish that on us?

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imagine is 2004 you are playing as an elf in darkshore, exploring and having fun playing with your friends and then BOOOOOOM a gigant dragon comes out inside the WORLD!!! and and change everything… (epic music) now in the coast of darkshore appears is a gigant skull of a OLD GOOOOD with a gigant sword in his head, animals start to get sick and people there start to lose his sanity and there is a lot of books in game that tells a very important fight in that cost THOUSANDS years ago, where 7 TITANS fight agains a big gigant OLD GOOOD and 1 of them survive and with his last breath he strike his sword in the head of the god and dies :'/ but WAIT the old god is not dead is just SEALED, so there is a lot of humans that are cultist that try to revive this MONSTER! and when that happend (BFA) the monster AWAKES!!!..

and he is a rare simple elite size, not even the world boss of this zone because that one is a TREE… yes… a f… tree…

so yeah, u maybe think that rare zone was fun, and yes it was but, now is only another empty place with no lore

Yes, I want a character who is so brazenly over the top and cartoonish, they are a spectacle… Again take politics out of it… I could have easily said an Obama… I just don’t want a forgettable physically underwhelming non-presence in charge of the horde (aka a Biden) or a council in charge.

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that was Garrosh, but they destroy him when blizz transform him into a villian


Ok,to all the potential leaders out there ,there is a time where people will just sit back and laugh and poke fun at you. They have a good reason for this position. :rofl:

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With phasing you can make the world transition to any time period you want. Just ask Chromie.

Adding new zones every expansion just makes a larger percentage of the world dead space.

Garrosh was a good leader to be honest,but what happen to him is a little lame.


I think right up until he consumed the heart of y’saarj he was great!!! (and in shadowlands he was the one shining moment of greatness in an otherwise dud of an xpac).

For me it just never made sense that Garrosh would consume the heart… if MOP was the exact same and he took the heart to prevent the alliance or others from using it… i.e we have this power, we are not going to use it but we are going to stop you from using it against us… I would of applauded that narrative and it would of been old school wow, the alliance have one view point, the horde have another… it could have been debated and argued over among the fandom… to me that is what makes the franchise great.

Like in WOD his showdown with Thrall was perfect too!!! He was right, Thrall left him in charge, everyone he set to advise Garrosh immediately turned against him, tried to usurp him, assumed the worst of him and weakened the horde… all he did he did for the horde - thats what wow needs back front and center of the franchise.

Remember when “For the Horde” used to mean something… before the current wowteam decided peak lore is Sylvannas saying “the horde are nothing”… I get worked up over just how disrespectful they treated us horde players throughout that cycle… we gotta stay head-cannon lest we buy the disney-esque last jedi lore they put out.

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Not really,adding new version in altered times is brain dead content,no one repeats them after their done. Would you enter an altered time universe you are not really a part of? I can see you as a blood elf running around a world of murlocs ,oh how confusing.

I agree. don’t get me wrong,The peace is fine but with any cycle with moral beings it doesn’t last long,conflict is a needed point in that cycle.

Ideas for a expansion to fix every wrong nonsense choises in lore, for me are those:

World of Warcraft a World in War

World of Warcraft Infinite War

World of Warcraft Endgame

World of Warcraft Cosby Suite


I liked where they were going when you had Thrall / Jaina trying to preserve peace but little skirmishes breaking out all over the place. If wow got more political, I wouldn’t mind… more cold war style not hostile open conflict… contested zones. Like for all the big moments put aside differences come together defeat the threat but then day by day smaller scale patch how do these ideologically opposed sides coexist… that would be fun to explore.

Horde ownership being based on animalistic territory, you want territory you claim it by being able to defend it. Alliance mentality you buy it with gold and pay taxes. Reconciling those view points is fun.

Horde raiding a game preserve that belongs to the king:
Alliance"oh they have started a war"
Horde “this is our hunting ground, you pathetic alliance scum”

It would be most likely resources ,yeah i can see that.

New zones are better than trying to pack an expansions worth of content into old zones, ad nauseum. Old zones should be incorporated into new content with quests and events, though.


Like the Forbidden Reach? LoL

Yeah! It would be nice if every zone could get something to be more relevant than Ironforge :blue_heart::blue_heart:

And then when someone asks me a question I’d be responding with a mix of knowledge of new lore and memories of the old lore (plus whatever randomness my imperfect memory is adding anyway).

Rather than retconning the past, keep moving forward, emphasizing the lore you want to keep in the new stories and letting what you’d rather forget fade away into irrelevance.

Hmm … does that make me a retail #nochanges person?