Probably. And now I’m sad again.
Man I actually hope we get something that gives us the upgraded duck.
It would certainly make for a unique aquatic mount.
That said, what if Avalorn is the Australia of Azeroth? Completely new animal and plant species found nowhere else?
World of Warcraft: More War, Kalimdor
Warchief Baine seizes power in a violent coup and goes on a genocidal rampage. In a sneak attack on Khaz Modan, Warchief Baine manages to march six armies inland across the Eastern Kingdoms without anyone noticing because he used The Invisibility Parasol, the legendary relic everyone has known about this whole time.
In a brutal sneak attack, the races of the Horde are united in a savage attack against Ironforge. Millions of Night Elves are killed. Baine leads the remaining Horde in a brutal culling of Azeroth’s numerous races, starting with the cutest. Thrall clears his throat and tugs at his collar and laughs nervously and goes “yikes” softly a couple of times.
The Alliance retaliates by throwing toilet paper over Orgrimmar’s gates and writing a bunch of swears on a post-it note and tagging it to Thrall’s car. Vol’jin immediately dies from shock if he is not already dead at this point. The losses on both sides are innumerable.
Eventually, one of the remaining Horde leaders who hasn’t had a turn to say things have gone too far decides Baine has gone too far and there’s three or so patches about stealthily maneuvering against Baine by leaving unkind comments about him on local message forums and arguing with his supporters. And then it turns out he was being controlled by an even greater threat–oh, let’s say, the Motorcycle Devil.
I’ve been told they’re also venomous but I don’t believe that something this cute would hurt me. I’d love for more animals to exist though. Even types of spiders, maybe.
The males are, not the females.
The toxin will not kill you, but causes lasting nerve damage and those exposed are strapped down and sedated as much as possible because people have been recorded trying to self-terminate from the pain they experience.
No more expansions. I’ve seen enough.
Nah. Baine doesn’t have it in him to go on a genocidal rampage. We got Thrall’s AU Sister to fill that niche, plus it gives us another Orc to turn into a Loot Pinata.
Yeah, you’re right. Blizzard would never do a complete character turnaround that made no sense specifically for plot purposes.
It’s more that would require them to actually do something with Baine. Something that Shadowlands demonstrated they fundamentally don’t want to do.
“They’re all the same!!”- Baine’s rallying cry, probably.
But they love hurting Baine. So all we do is arrange the timeways in such a way that Baine comes from another timeline and beats up our Baine, so he is both the villain and the victim.
On the bright side, we now have 20 more years of WoW to think about this.
Good news friends, the Stormwind Portal Tower is getting updated with 10.2 to accommodate 10 more portals on the 2nd floor.
All of this is extremely believable except the part where Baine gets any sort of screentime.
So does this mean we can get a portal back to Ironforge in Stormwind again? Or do I keep my Hearth in Boralus simply because it’s portals are better placed for questing in northern Eastern Kingdoms and Southern Kalimdor?