Looking like Emerald Dream expansion, amirite?! I would be excited. I never ever played in the private server of that expansion when it was leaked or whatever the heck that was ages ago. But the concepts for it were super cool to me so it’d be super interesting to see what updates could have come from it in the years after
… That would make something I can’t divulge make a lot more sense.
I know the pirate expansion theory was denied hard last week, so it’s possible.
Not-Ragnaros definitely feels like he’s got an obsession with the World Tree and the Emerald Dream.
Given how it seems The Emerald Dream is sort of the Titan’s “Source Code” for Azeroth, if we’re going to actually break the Titans’ plans for Azeroth and free the Ultra-Jailer from the Super-Maw, we’ll probably have to do something with it.
Im still hoping for pirates. They hard denied a 3rd evoker spec and a dragon isles expansion. Yet look where we are now.
It’s an Emerald Dream patch, not expansion, right?
Yeah I’m just speculating that this is a set up for a new expansion based fully in the dream
I’m still betting on “the other side of Azeroth” as a destination.
But… I would not mind a wild Emerald Dream expansion.
I would not be excited.
Come on guys! Everyone into the Dream to meet the Pantheon of Green. Robots in charge of running Nature!
I’m in the minority that think the pantheon and titans and first ones and all that crap is kinda cool. I don’t mind much and it takes a lot to get me disappointed. I’m just easy to satisfy so I don’t understand peoples hate or dislike for things outside their control. its all cool to me
I’ve wanted an Emerald Dream expansion for almost 20 years. I just really dig the idea of druids hibernating in caves, their souls or consciousnesses or whatever tending to/enjoying an endless expanse of nature.
I wish I could do that… Druid is definitely the class I’d choose if I woke up in WoW.
Turn into animals, heal, call down solar and lunar magic, go to bed for 6 years and spend the entire time in a supernatural grove – any other choice seems absurd!
Hard pass. I have no interest in running around in another freaking giant other-worldly forest that glows or something. The Emerald Dream has never been high on my list of things I’ve cared about in WoW lore, same with dragons.
Sorry for the confusion! This isn’t a thread to complain or tell me you don’t like stuff. It’s a thread to agree with me and love everything I say and do
What happens if I’m vocally neutral on both accounts?
I keep coming back to this, but Chromie’s decision to destroy the ‘One True Timeline’ by saving Nozdormu from becoming Murozond, and the creation of a new World Tree that ties Life and Death together on Azeroth, rather than Order and whatever Azeroth has going on, are simply huge changes to the status quo that we’re all sleeping on.
Titanic control of Azeroth is slipping fast. Iridkron’s gambit might not even be necessary at this rate, and remember, the only thing keeping Sargeras sealed up and the Legion fractured and leaderless is the entire Titan Pantheon working to hold him in place. If even one of them comes calling, we’re boned because then Sargeras escaping becomes an inevitability, rather than a possibility.
I’d like to see this play out as the distinct ‘boundaries’ of what we assume is the natural way of things on Azeroth blurring and allowing the layers of reality to mix. Parts of the Emerald Dream starts bleeding into Azeroth at points of great spiritual nexus points, Teldrassil, The Barrens, Dreamgrove, Duskwood, etc, and vice-versa, creating new zones that blend the material with the spiritual, areas where up is down, strange fusions of natural creatures and supernatural entities struggle to find their place and establish a foothold, and ancient Titanic ruins awaken to try and contain the situation, either by reversal or a scorched earth policy.
Likewise, the Elemental Planes begin to fuse back into Azeroth and we come to learn the Elemental Planes aren’t a ‘created’ demi-plane, but an actual chunk of Azeroth that was cut out and placed into a bubble, like a terrarium, for the Titans to study the elementals and keep them out of play, since an Elemental slain will inevitably reincarnate unless consumed by another Elemental, or its essence irrevocably destroyed or changed by an outside force.
Still have the Pirate thing going on in the background, and with the very planet buckling and warping as strange supernatural and elemental chaos keeps fusing and spreading across the land, more and more people sign on with pirates or outside groups because they no longer have faith that the Horde or the Alliance will keep them and their families safe after a score of world-ending disasters in the space of a decade.
But what if I like the Titan plan?
That could be the fun part. The Titanic ‘plan’ for Azeroth might be stable and normal, but we might not have a plan in it, being corrupted by the ‘Curse of Flesh’ (Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes), and having alien species mixed in (Orcs, Mag’har Orcs, Draenei, LF Draenei) and Void-, Fel- and Light-infested creatures roaming around (Draenei, LF Draenei, Ren’dorei, Forsaken, Orcs).
With the One True Timeline derailed to the point it isn’t recoverable, the World Soul weakened and exposed, we just had the Titan of Death get jipped for the position of the New Arbiter and now the Dragon Aspects straying from their mandated tasks for a ‘better’ Azeroth, how long until the Titans either send new agents, or one of their own, to push that Big Red Button and reset the board back into their favour?
Sargeras has been pretty much gelded in terms of threat levels. Nevermind the fact he’s been dancing to Nips McGee’s tune this whole time, we’ve canonically kicked his behind twice in WoW alone at this point.
His name is