New expansion alpha, new Customization Suggestions!

I just want more shoe options that let my toes be in. I may be dead but I trim my toenails and I don’t get all of my gear from the trash.

Eyebrows for orcs? Blasphemy. Only Thrall is allowed to own eyebrows.

Dance studio when?! I still have the wrath box that says the dance studio is coming!

Don’t forget more hairstyles for every race. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


I avoided the “More X” unless it was a specific request or a new category, but yeah, a lot of races, in special allied races, should get more hairstyles.

I’d be happy even if Blizzard went for the shortcut and just ported some hairstyles from some races to others. I’d say each gender/race combo getting 3-4 styles ported from other gender/race combos would be a nice addition.

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DHs should get alternative eyes too. It’s not like glowy green eyes are somewhat indicative of blindness but other colors aren’t. Any eye could be seen as blinded in WoW, honestly.

Give DHs the undead skin with red eye option, pls.

I need a shaved eyebrow for Nelf ladies too. If males and dracs got, why not us?

Nelves definitely need some imposing ponytails. The ones we got now are so ‘meh’. We need something like Warden’s ponytails that go all the way down and got proper physics.

And give people the option to show hair/horns/etc through helms.


Perfect u mentionwd beard trolls for both zandalari and darkspear. Im in full support of this.


And fix the hand glow to make it more like Valtrois. Everything else yes too.

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My assumption is that they disabled the hand outline because it may conflict with armor (gloves).

If it meant getting the NPC version of luminous hands, I’d gladly hide my gloves.


Weird of you to list Worgen with zero suggestions.

Personally, I’d like to see Worgen get customizable scars, there’s, like, one face option on [Body Type 1]s currently.
Selectable fur patterns.
Hunchback toggle for [Body Type 1].
More “glowing” eye colors.

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They be needing it badly, mon!

I think they did not allow players to have the outline because of conflict with hand armor.

My solution for that would be adding a “glowy hand” item as part of their heritage armor, with outline and all. There’s even a monk set with a hand option like that. That way it won’t have trouble with the outline shining through other armors, as it would be a transmog option rather than a customization option.

Like I said in the original post, there are some races I don’t have a lot of ideas for, so for worgen I just brought a commonly requested feature.

Feel free to add more ideas, the thread is not meant to be just about my suggestions.

Unhunched for worgen is one thing.

I do think worgen, undead and trolls could have unhunched options, what makes me a bit skeptical about it is that the straight orc is actually a different model that needs to have its own animations and has to be ready for all customization options. Few people know it, but the straight orc model was done for the mag’har, and then Blizzard decided to allow both Mag’har and normal orcs switch models.

So, unhunched undead, worgen and trolls fall much in the same category as skinny kultirans or buffed trolls in likelyhood of happening.

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Yea, it’ll definitely take more effort than some hair styles.

They could bring it alongside a worgen revamp. They got very little in terms of customization when compared to other races. Goblins are in a similar situation.

Like never, I thought they were a burly “carry these tree logs on your shoulder” type race, they just are big.

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Yep, either actual faces or makeup options like the humans have would work (just better). I just know I was extremely disappointed when they released them without anything even remotely like it.

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Now that I think of it, gnome females could also benefit from makeup.

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More Steampunk for Gnomes AND Goblins.

Another suggestion that’s been niggling at me (and a high number of players, I imagine, is clipping. This seriously needs some lovin’. I don’t know what kind of work this will need, probably a tonne, but it’s very annoying. Also, the vast majority of clothing seriously looks just like body paint, and not substantive at all.

On top of the things you’ve listed…

In General

  • Add 2-3 new face options for every model with 12 or fewer options (or 4+ if they have less than 8)
  • Add 2-3 new hairstyles for every model with 12 or fewer options (or 4+ if they have less than 8)


  • Add the elemental eyes Primalist mobs have (Fire, Frost, Air, and Earth) as Shaman-only eye customizations
  • Add Totem customization to the barber shop, initial offerings being 2-3 recolors of your race’s default totems, with further NPC/limited totem models being unlockable, such as Vol’jin’s serpent totems, Twilight’s Hammer totems, Centaurs, Primalists, etc.
  • Add Elemental customization to the barber shop, initial offerings including variations on the base lads, extending into the many elemental models/tints that have been included since then, including Revenants, Bound/Unbound Elementals, Pandaren Spirits, etc.
  • Add Spirit Form customization to the barber shop, with options split between Animal and Spirit Type (ie, ghostly, spirit blue, fire spirit red, etc.)


  • Sideburns/facial hair for the ladies, since we seem to be going a bit more Tolkien with them


  • Add posture options, allowing males to stand straight (like Genn does in cutscenes) and females to have a more feral hunch


  • MU Blackrock grey skin/red eyes


  • Add posture options, allowing both types to stand straighter like the guard NPCs
  • Add “jawless” option for females, for equal-opportunity tongue-flapping


  • Split Fur Pattern and Fur Color into two options
  • Add new fur patterns that mimic patterns on other breeds of cows/bulls/other bovid species, or at least have differently sized and distributed spots


  • Glowing gold, reddish gold, and red eye options, a la the classic Warcraft 3 units and Rokhan’s recent update
  • Split skin color and tusk/tooth color into separate options, the former technically controls the latter for one or two skin tones
  • Add posture options, allowing males to stand straight and females to hunch over

Dark Iron Dwarves

  • Sideburns/facial hair for the ladies, since we seem to be going a bit more Tolkien with them

Kul Tirans

  • For a seafaring people, they’re in dire need of more hair and facial hair options
  • Really, every single category for both genders needs like, a minimum of 5 new options

Highmountain Tauren

  • Horn and fur options with fel-cracks present for those who want to go the “repentant Bloodtotem/Feltotem” route

Zandalari Trolls

  • Clear-eyed options, like the Zandalari that appears in the Dragonriding cinematic
  • More skin tones with more contrast, give us more varieties of blue and green, go into shades like brown, tan, maybe dip a bit into slightly purple or yellow hues
  • Split skin tone and tusk/tooth color into separate options, the former currently controls the latter
  • Osteoderm (I assume that’s what the skin-plates count as) options that change how they’re spread across the shoulders/back
  • Jewelry material options, I know Zandalari come from a city of gold, but no reason they can’t rock silver, platinum, or turquoise, and this should effect the gold bands/accessories in some hairstyles
  • Hair band/wrapping color, for the styles that have them, sometimes that shade of red clashes, y’know?


  • Split Fur Color and Fur Pattern into separate options, offer more of each, including a way to be monocolored (as controversial as that may seem)
  • Make the sandals/tail ring optional, give the options to wear every boot model without the toes/heels poking out instead of “some”
  • Split Face Pattern and Face into separate options, give Pandaren faces that actually change
  • For the love of the spirits, fix the neck seam on female Pandaren