C’mon Blizzard, why did you pass up on a highly requested feature for a spec you KNOW is going to be mostly passed over because it will lag in solo content + gamer nature is selfish and ego-seeking.
We want to be the ones with the big damage/heals/defense. Most gamers don’t want our output to rely on other people.
Oh and if the spec is actually good its gonna drive competitive communities crazy in the same way Power Infusion and stacking modifiers already do.
I welcome the role of more support classes. Bring some variety in this game. It’s nice that the holy trinity exists but add more support roles for creativity!
Blizzard can’t even finish developing the tanks already in the game. Have you looked at the appalling state of Guardian Druid class design the last few years?
Nope. There are tanks for people that like to tank. I consider myself a support player, which has been woefully underrepresented in modern MMOs and entirely absent in WoW since the role was designed away from with Shamans and Paladins.
Now that WoW finally has a Bard spec ie the new Augmentation support spec, we can put those bard class requests to rest permanently. No need for more than one “support” role.
People are hard stuck in a one train of thought mentality.
I see people whining about Lightforged Draenei warlocks in the same breath they are whining about Evokers not getting a tank spec and I just do not get it.
But maybe it isn’t for me to understand the burdens of others.
Ebon Might – Increase your 4 nearest allies’ primary stat by a percentage of your own, and cause your Eruption to deal more damage for 10 seconds. Your other spells extend the duration of these effects. 1.5 second cast, 30 seconds cooldown.
Upheaval – Gather earthen power beneath your enemy’s feet and send them hurtling upwards, dealing Volcanic damage to them and nearby enemies. Empowering expands the area of effect. 2.5 second empower, 40 second cooldown.
Breath of Eons – Fly to the targeted location, exposing Temporal Wounds on enemies in your path for 10 seconds. Temporal Wounds accumulate a portion of damage dealt by your allies, and then critically strike the enemy for that amount. 1.5 minute cooldown. Replaces Deep Breath.
Draconic Attunements (Passive) – Learn to attune yourself to the essence of the Black or Bronze dragonflights:
Black Attunement grants you and your 4 nearest allies increased maximum health.
Bronze Attunement grants you and your 4 nearest allies increased movement speed.