Evokers were not getting tanks because a tank spec is antithetical to their class design, period. Almost nothing about evoker design lends itself to a tank spec, most obviously the fact that the class is built around casting spells and constantly being on the move, not standing still and absorbing damage.
I would rather see them fiddle with a new concept instead of adding another tank spec that functions no differently from the other 6 already in the game, and which wouldn’t be played by anyone other than dedicated tanks because tank specs don’t draw in new players the way new and revamped DPS specs do.
They’re a ranged caster class and have been since they were announced. A tank spec doesn’t make sense. Might as well campaign for mages, warlocks and priests to get a tank spec.
Only way I would approve of Blizzard making a new Evoker spec Tank is if it’s a pet tank. And then only if it has the same issues with tuning that I’m having. Just so Blizzard can stand there and be embarrassed… because they kind of deserve it.
It’s stupid because Guardian druids are one of the simplest tanks in existence and has barely changed over 15+ years yet they’re still doing such a terrible job with it
You got Death Knight, Monk, and Demon Hunter as melee only classes, and all with tank specializations too. Yet you are so hurt that we casters finally got a spell caster hero class. Sounds entitled
We have Warrior, Druid, Demon Hunter, Monk, Paladin and Death Knight tanks. Don’t you think that might just be enough of that class in the game? I am rather intrigued by the idea of a support class and really, we don’t need another tank when there are already enough to get right.
Big disagree, I love bard type classes in mmos and would love more in wow. Just because you don’t feel good unless your numbers are big doesn’t mean everyone thinks like you
This. I was kinda hoping support would be a new role all together, breaking the holy trinity, but this is close enough.
I checked out the talent calculator and am getting really excited! None of the abilities require targeting a player, ao i can just go ham on a boss and mash the buffs on cd.
I wonder how dps meters will measure that? I know my numbers wont be big, but i cant wait to make those damage dealers hit like a ton of bricks.
Glorified Tank/Melee Chickens!!! Either way it would have went, Still only Glorified Chickens!!! Now They get to be Glorified Support Chickens!!! #FREETHEWINGS
Do you see the shaman enhancement enchanting? not true, it’s a melee dps in the first place, not here like another support spec or healer.
And also if Blizzard wanted some that the Drachktyr be a dragon (in your dreams) have some imagination, even buffer would have been better in the case that it will be a support spec, really it is getting worse and worse a class and race that should demonstrate totally a Dragon in power and defense.
This tbh, especially given melee / tank specs have been every new class addition. Was nice seeing ranged / heals get a new class w specs focused on that & the new spec I’ve always wanted a support class and hope for bard in the future personally
I mean no one asked the OP to make this thread either lol. We’re all free to give our opinions here, and that was theirs which tbh I share bcz I like the new spec as well, though I understand others disagree and that’s fine lol.